Call for Paper
For this year’s workshop in Brussels, Belgium, we seek papers that interrogate the circuits of knowledge, goods, and people between the two countries. We welcome submissions in English on topics ranging from religion, identity, and textual production to migration, trade, and war. The goal is to gather research on concrete encounters within such circuits in order to reflect upon accepted categories and political boundaries and to discuss how forms of praxis not only reaffirm and replicate existing categories and boundaries but also, under specific conditions, open up spaces for different contextual readings and understandings. We welcome contributions irrespective of period, hoping to strike a balance between "modernists" and "premodernists."
Abstracts (max. 600 words and a short bio) can be sent to the workshop organizer, Michael Shin ( before 20 July 2015. Presenters will be notified of acceptance in the course of the summer. Full papers are due 1 Nov 2015. Pending funding, all costs will be covered.