Publikationen am Lehrstuhl Tierphysiologie


Nieder A. (2019)

A Brain for Numbers: The Biology of the Number Instinct.

Cambridge, USA: MIT Press

Peer-reviewed journal articles

2020 bis 2024


Nieder A. (2019)

A Brain for Numbers: The Biology of the Number Instinct.

Cambridge, USA: MIT Press

Peer-reviewed journal articles


Nieder A. (2024). The Calculating BrainPhysiological Reviews, 10.1152/physrev.00014.2024. Advance online publication.  [PDF]

Liao D.A., Brecht K.F., Veit L., Nieder A. (2024) Crows ‘count’ the number of self-generated vocalizations. Science 384(6698), 874–877. [PDF]

Kersten* Y., Moll* F.W., Erdle, S., Nieder, A. (2024)    (*shared first authorship) Input and output connections of the crow nidopallium caudolateraleeNeuro 11(4):ENEURO.0098-24.2024. [PDF].

Nieder A. (2024) (BOOK CHAPTER) The Unique Significance of Zero in Thinking: a Sense of ‘Nothing’In: Peter Gobets und Robert Lawrence Kuhn (eds) The Origin and Significance of Zero. Brill. [PDF]

Viswanathan P., Stein A.M., Nieder A. (2024) Sequential neuronal processing of number values, abstract decision, and action in the primate prefrontal cortex.PLoS Biology 22(2), e3002520.  PDF].

Wagener L., Nieder A. (2024)

Conscious experience of stimulus presence and absence is actively encoded by neurons in the crow brain.

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 36(3), 508–521. [PDF].


Lin X-X., Nieder A., Jacob S.N. (2023)

The neuronal implementation of representational geometry in primate prefrontal cortex.

Science Advances 9, eadh8685 [PDF].

Nieder A. (2023) (REVIEW)

Convergent circuit computation for categorization in the brains of primates and songbirds.

Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology 15(12):a041526. [PDF].

Ott T., Stein A.M., Nieder A. (2023)

Dopamine receptor activation regulates reward expectancy signals during cognitive control in primate prefrontal neurons.

Nature Communications 14: 7537 [PDF].

Kirschhock M.E., Nieder A. (2023)

Association neurons in the crow telencephalon link visual signs to numerical values.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA October 30, 120 (45) e2313923120. [PDF].

Kutter E.F., Dehnen G., Borger V., Surges R., Mormann F., Nieder A. (2023)

Distinct neuronal representation of small and large numbers in the human medial temporal lobe.

Nature Human Behaviour 7(11), 1998–2007. [PDF].

Kirschhock M.E., Nieder A. (2023)

Numerical representation for action in crows obeys the Weber-Fechner law.

Psychological Science Oct 26:9567976231201624. doi: 10.1177/09567976231201624. Epub ahead of print. [PDF].

Hahner L., Nieder A. (2023)

Costs and benefits of voluntary attention in crows.

Royal Society Open Science 10(8):230517. [PDF].

Nieder A. (2023) (MINI REVIEW)

Neuroscience of cognitive control in crows.

Trends in Neurosciences 46(10):783-785. [PDF].

Johnston M., Brecht K.F., Nieder A. (2023)

Crows flexibly apply statistical inferences based on previous experience.

Current Biology 33(15):3238-3243.e3. [PDF].

Wagener L., Nieder A. (2023)

Categorical representation of abstract spatial magnitudes in the executive telencephalon of crows.

Current Biology 33, 2151–2162. [PDF].

Hanganu-Opatz I.L., Klausberger T., Sigurdsson T., Nieder A., Jacob S.N., Bartos M., Sauer J.-F., Durstewitz D., Leibold C., Diester I. (2023, in press) (REVIEW)

Resolving the prefrontal mechanisms of adaptive cognitive behaviors: a cross-species perspective.

Neuron 111(7), 1020–1036. [PDF].

Wagener L., Rinnert P., Veit L., Nieder A. (2023)

Crows protect visual working memory against interference.

Journal of Experimental Biology 226(5), jeb245453. [PDF].

Brecht K.F., Westendorff S., Nieder A. (2023)

Neural correlates of cognitively controlled vocalisations in a corvid songbird.

Cell Reports 42(3):112113.  [PDF].


Quest* M., Rinnert* P., Hahner L., Nieder A. (2022)    (*shared first authorship)

Exogenous and endogenous spatial attention in crows.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 119(49), e2205515119.  [PDF].

Kirschhock M.E., Nieder A. (2022)

Number selective sensorimotor neurons in the crow translate perceived numerosity into number of actions.

Nature Communications 13: 6913 [PDF].

Liao* D.A., Brecht* K.F., Johnston M., Nieder A. (2022)   (*shared first authorship)

Recursive sequence generation in crows.

Science Advances 8, eabq3356  [PDF].

Hahn L.A., Balakhonov D., Lundqvist M., Nieder A., Rose J. (2022)

Oscillations without cortex: Working memory modulates brainwaves in the endbrain of crows.

Progress in Neurobiology, 219, 102372. [PDF].

Nieder A. (2022) (REVIEW)

In search for consciousness in animals: Using working memory and voluntary attention as behavioral indicators.

Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 142 (2022) 104865 [PDF].

Kersten Y., Friedrich-Müller B., Nieder A. (2022)

A brain atlas of the carrion crow (Corvus corone).

Journal of Comparative Neurology. Aug 8. Online ahead of print. [PDF].

Ditz* H.M., Fechner* J., Nieder A. (2022).   (*shared first authorship)

Cell-type specific pallial circuits shape categorical tuning responses in the crow telencephalon.

Communications Biology 5:269 [PDF]

Kutter E.F., Bostroem J., Elger C.E., Nieder A., Mormann F. (2022)

Neuronal codes for arithmetic rule processing in the human brain.

Current Biology 32, 1275–1284. [PDF]

Bryer M.A.H., Koopman S.E, Cantlon J.F., Piantadosi S.T., MacLean, E.L., Baker J.M., Beran M.J., Jones S.M., Jordan K.E., Mahamane S., Nieder A., Perdue B.M., Range F., Stevens J.R., Tomonaga M., Ujfalussy D.J., Vonk, J. (2022)

The evolution of quantitative sensitivity.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London – B, 377(1844): 20200529. [PDF].

Miller R., Lambert M.L., Frohnwieser A., Brecht K.F., Bugnyar T., Crampton I., Pelegri E.G., Gould K., Greggor A.L., Izawa EI, Kelly D.M., Li Z., Luo Y., Luong L.B., Massen J.J.M., Nieder A., Reber S.A., Schiestl M., Seguchi A., Sepehri P., Stevens J.R., Taylor A.H., Wang L., Wolff L.M., Zhang Y., Clayton N.S. (2022)

Socio-ecological correlates of neophobia in corvids.

Current Biology 32(1):74-85.e4. [PDF].

Maier, W., Pilz, P., Ruf, I. (2022

Different size of tympanic membranes and its functional and ecomorphological meaning in Crocidurinae and Soricinae (Lipotyphla: Soricidae)

Lynx n.s. (Praha), 53, 163-174. 

Denzinger A, Schnitzler HU (2022 submitted)

Bats of BCI: guild structure ans Niche differentiation.

Smithsonian Contributions

Thong VD, Denzinger A, Long V, Sang NV, Huyen NTT, Thien NH, Luong NK, Tuan LQ, Ha NM, Luong NT, Schnitzler HU (2022)

Importance of mangrove for bat research and conservation: a case study from Vietnam with notes on echolocation of Myotis hasselti

Diversity 14, 258

Schöppler D, Denzinger A, Schnitzler HU (2022)

The resting frequency of echolocation signals changes with body temperature in the hipposiderid bat, Hipposideros armiger

J. Exp. Biol. 225(3)


Hahn L.A., Balakhonov D., Fongaro E., Nieder A., Rose J (2021)

Working memory capacity of crows and monkeys arises from similar neuronal computations.

eLife 10: e72783.  [PDF].

Nasr K, Nieder A. (2021)

Spontaneous representation of numerosity zero in a deep neural network for visual object recognition.

iScience 24, 103301 [PDF].

Nieder A. (2021) (REVIEW)

Consciousness without cortex.

Current Opinion in Neurobiology 71: 69–76. [PDF].

Stalter* M, Westendorff* S., Nieder A. (2021)  (*shared first authorship)

Feature-based attention processes in primate prefrontal cortex do not rely on feature similarity.

Cell Reports 36: 109470. [PDF].

Nieder A. (2021) (REVIEW)

The evolutionary history of brains for numbers.

Trends in Cognitive Sciences 25: 608-621. [PDF].

Kirschhock M.E., Ditz H.M., Nieder A. (2021)

Behavioral and neuronal representation of numerosity zero in the crow.

Journal of Neuroscience 41: 4889-4896.  [PDF].

Rinnert P., Nieder A. (2021)

Neural code of motor planning and execution during goal-directed movements in crows.

Journal of Neuroscience 41: 4060-4072. [PDF].

Nieder A. (2021) (REVIEW)

Neuroethology of number sense across the animal kingdom.

Journal of Experimental Biology 224(Pt 6):jeb218289. [PDF].

Gavrilov N., Nieder A. (2021)

Distinct neural networks for the volitional control of vocal and manual actions in the monkey homologue of Broca's area.

eLife 10: e62797. [PDF].

Kersten Y., Friedrich-Müller B., Nieder A. (2021)

A histological study of the song system of the carrion crow (Corvus corone).

Journal of Comparative Neurology 529: 2576-2595.  [PDF].

Eckert P, Marchetta P, Manthey MK, Walter MH, Jovanovic S, Savitska D, Singer W, Jacob MH, Rüttiger L, Schimmang T, Milenkovic I, Pilz PKD and Knipper M (2021)

Deletion of BDNF in Pax2 Lineage-Derived Interneuron Precursors in the Hindbrain Hampers the Proportion of Excitation/Inhibition, Learning, and Behavior.

Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience

Krumpel A, Rice A, Frasier KE, Reese F, Trickey JS, Simonis AE, Ryan JP, Wiggins SM, Denzinger A, Schnitzler HU Baumann-Pckering S (2021)

Long-Term Patterns of noise from underwater explosions and their relation to fisheries in Southern California

Mar. Sci. 8:796849

Thong VD, Denzinger A, Schnitzler HU et al (2021)

Bat Diversity in Cat Ba Biosphere Reserve, Northeastern Vietnam: A Review with New Records from Mangrove Ecosystem

Diversity 13 (8): 376


Nieder A., Wagener L., Rinnert P. (2020)

A neural correlate of sensory consciousness in a corvid bird.

Science 369: 1626-1629. [PDF].

Wagener L, Nieder A (2020)

Categorical auditory working memory in crows.

iScience 23(11): 101737. [PDF].

Nieder A. (2020) (REVIEW)

Absolute numerosity discrimination as a case study in comparative vertebrate intelligence.

Frontiers in Psychology 11: 1843. [PDF].

Brecht K.F., Nieder A. (2020) (REVIEW)

Parting self from others: individual and self-recognition in birds.

Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 116: 99-108.  [PDF].

Brecht K.F., Müller J., Nieder A. (2020)

Carrion crows (Corvus corone corone) fail the mirror mark test yet again.

Journal of Comparative Psychology: 134(4), 372–378.  [PDF].

Nieder A. (2020) (REVIEW)

The adaptive value of numerical competence.

Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 35: 605-617. [PDF].

Viswanathan P., Nieder A. (2020).

Spatial neuronal integration supports a global representation of visual numerosity in primate parieto-frontal cortex.

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 32 : 1184-1197. [PDF].

Ditz H.M., Nieder A. (2020).

Format-dependent and format-independent representation of sequential and simultaneous numerosity in the crow endbrain.

Nature Communications 11 : 686. [PDF].

Rodermund P., Westendorff S, Nieder A. (2020)

Blockage of NMDA- and GABA(A) receptors improves working memory selectivity of primate prefrontal neurons.

Journal of Neuroscience 40:1527–1537. [PDF].

Nieder A. (2020) (REVIEW)

Neural constraints on human number concepts.

Current Opinion in Neurobiology 60: 28-36. [PDF].

Stalter M, Westendorff S., Nieder A. (2020)

Dopamine gates visual signals in monkey prefrontal cortex neurons.

Cell Reports 30: 164–172. [PDF].

Walter MH, Verdong A, Schnitzler HU (2020)

Discrimination of small sugar concentration differences helps nectar-feeding bat Leptonycteris yerbabuenae cover energetic demand.

J Expl Bio 223

Götze S, Denzinger A, Schnitzler HU (2020)

High frequency social calls indicate food source defense in foraging Common pipistrelle bats.

Sci Reports 10, 5764


Nieder A., Mooney R. (2019) (REVIEW)

The neurobiology of innate, volitional, and learned vocalizations in mammals and birds.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London – B, 375(1789):20190054. [PDF].

Brecht K.F., Hage S.R., Gavrilov N., Nieder A. (2019)

Volitional control of vocalizations in corvid songbirds.

PLoS Biology 17(8): e3000375. [PDF].

Rinnert P., Kirschhock, M., Nieder A. (2019)

Neuronal correlates of spatial working memory in the endbrain of crows.

Current Biology 29: 2616–2624 [PDF].

Nasr K., Viswanathan P., Nieder A (2019)

Number detectors spontaneously emerge in a deep neural network designed for visual object recognition.

Science Advances 5, eaav7903. [PDF].

Ramirez-Cardenas A., Nieder A. (2019)

Working memory representation of empty sets in the primate parietal and prefrontal cortices.

Cortex 114: 102 –114 [PDF].

Ott T., Nieder A. (2019) (REVIEW)

Dopamine and cognitive control in prefrontal cortex.

Trends in Cognitive Sciences 23: 213-234 [PDF].

Schmidbauer P, Denzinger A  (2019)

Social calls of Myotis nattereri during swarming: Call structure mirrors the difficult behavioral context.

PLOS ONE 14(9),

Geipel I, Steckel J, Schnitzler HU et al (2019)

Bats actively use leaves as specular reflectors to detect acoustically camouflaged prey

Current biology:CB 29(16)


Kutter E.F., Bostroem J., Elger C.E., Mormann F., Nieder A. (2018)

Single neurons in the human brain encode numbers.

Neuron 100: 753–761. [PDF].

Jacob, S.N., Hähnke, D., Nieder, A. (2018)

Structuring of abstract working memory content by fronto-parietal synchrony in primate cortex.

Neuron 99: 588–597. [PDF].

Ditz, H.M., Kupferman, J.K., Nieder A. (2018, in press)

Neurons in the hippocampus of crows lack responses to non-spatial abstract categories.

Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience Jul 18;12:33. [PDF].

Nieder A. (2018)

Primate social communication goes interactive.

Neuron 99: 250-253. [PDF].

Preview on: Shepherd, S. V., and Freiwald, W. A. (2018) Functional Networks for Social Communication in the Macaque Monkey. Neuron,  99: 413-420.

Nieder A. (2018)

Ein Sinn für das Nichts (in German)

Gehirn & Geist 8: 54-60. [PDF].

Nieder A. (2018)

Honey bees zero in on the empty set.

Science 360: 1069-1070. [PDF].

Perspective on:Howard et al. (2018) Numerical ordering of zero in honey bees. Science 360, 1124-1126.

Wagener L., Loconsole M., Ditz H.M., Nieder A. (2018)

Neurons in the endbrain of numerically-naïve crows spontaneously encode visual numerosity.

Current Biology 28, 1090–1094 [PDF]

Ott, T., Westendorff, S., Nieder A. (2018)

Dopamine receptors influence internally generated oscillations during rule processing in primate prefrontal cortex.

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 30: 770-784. [PDF]

Hartmann K., Veit L., Nieder A. (2018)

Neurons in the crow nidopallium caudolaterale encode varying durations of visual working memory periods.

Experimental Brain Research 236: 215-226.. [PDF]

Wolter S, Moehrle D, Schmidt H, Pfeiffer S, Zelle D, Eckert P, Krämer M, Feil R, Pilz PKD, Knipper M, Rüttiger L.

GC-B Deficient Mice With Axon Bifurcation Loss Exhibit Compromised Auditory Processing.

Front. Neural Circuits, 29 August 2018 |

Denzinger A, Tschapka M, Schnitzler HU (2018)

The role of echolocation strategies for niche differentiation in bats.

Can. J. Zool. 96: 171-181

Budenz T, Denzinger A, Schnitzler HU (2018)

Reduction of emission level in approach signals of greater mouse-eared bats (Myotis myotis): No evidence for a closed loop control system for intensity compensation.


Schoeppler D, Schnitzler HU, Denzinger A.(2018)

Precise Doppler shift compensation in the hipposiderid bat, Hipposideros armiger

Scientific Reports 8:4598


Nieder A., (2017) (REVIEW)

Evolution of cognitive and neural solutions enabling numerosity judgements: lessons from primates and corvids.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London - B 373: 20160514.. [PDF].

Hannagan, T., Nieder A., Viswanathan P., Dehaene, S. (2017)

A random-matrix theory of the number sense.

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London - B 373: 20170253. [PDF].

Gavrilov N., Hage S.R., Nieder A. (2017)

Functional specialization of the primate frontal lobe during cognitive control of vocalizations.

Cell Reports 21, 2393–2406 [PDF].

Seillier L, Lorenz C, Kawaguchi K, Ott T, Nieder A, Pourriahi P, Nienborg H (2017)

Serotonin decreases the gain of visual responses in awake macaque V1.

Journal of Neuroscience 37:11390-11405. [PDF].

Viswanathan P., Nieder A (2017)

Comparison of visual receptive fields in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and ventral intraparietal area (VIP) in macaques.

European Journal of Neuroscience 46: 2702–2712. [PDF].

Brecht KF, Wagener L, Ostojić L, Clayton NS, Nieder A. (2017)

Comparing the face inversion effect in crows and humans.

Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 203:1017–1027 [PDF].

Ott, T., Nieder A. (2017)

Dopamine D2 receptors enhance population dynamics in primate prefrontal working memory circuits.

Cerebral Cortex. 27: 4423-4435.[PDF].

Viswanathan P., Nieder A (2017)

Visual receptive field heterogeneity and functional connectivity of adjacent neurons in primate fronto-parietal association cortices.

Journal of Neuroscience 37: 8919-8928. [PDF].

Nieder A. (2017)

Number faculty is rooted in our biological heritage.

Trends in Cognitive Sciences 21: 403. [PDF].

Commentary on: Núñez, R. (2017) Is there really an evolved capacity for number? Trends Cogn. Sci. 21, 409–424.

Veit L., Pidpruzhnykova G., Nieder A. (2017)

Learning recruits neurons representing previously established associations in the corvid endbrain.

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 29: 1712-1724. [PDF].

Nieder A. (2017) (MINI REVIEW)

Magnitude codes for cross-modal working memory in the primate frontal association cortex.

Frontiers in Neuroscience 11:202. (doi: 10.3389/fnins.2017.00202) [PDF]

Nieder A. (2017) (REVIEW)

Inside the corvid brain – probing the physiology of cognition in crows.

Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 16:8–14. [PDF]

Veit L., Hartmann K., Nieder A. (2017)

Spatially-tuned neurons in corvid nidopallium caudolaterale signal target position during visual search. 

Cerebral Cortex 27:1103-1112. [PDF].

Moll F.W., Nieder A. (2017)

Modality-invariant audio-visual association coding in crow endbrain neurons.

Neurobiology of Learning & Memory 137:65-76. [PDF]

Wagener L., Nieder A. (2017)

Encoding of global visual motion in the Nidopallium caudolaterale of behaving crows.

European Journal of Neuroscience 45: 267–277. [PDF]

Walter MH, Schnitzler HU (2017)

Spectral call features provide information about the aggression level of greater mouse-eared bats (Myotis myotis) during agonistic interactions.

Bioacoustics, DOI: 10


Hage S.R, Nieder A. [2016] (REVIEW)

Dual neural network model for the evolution of speech and language.

Trends in Neurosciences 39: 813-829. [PDF]

Ditz H.M., Nieder A. (2016)

Sensory and working memory representations of small and large numerosities in the crow endbrain:

Journal of Neuroscience [PDF].

Jacob S.N., Stalter W.-M., Nieder A. (2016)

Cell-type specific modulation of targets and distractors by dopamine D1 receptors in primate prefrontal cortex.

Nature Communications 7:13218. [PDF].

Nieder A. (2016) (REVIEW)

Representing something out of nothing: The dawning of zero.

Trends in Cognitive Sciences 20: 830-842 [PDF].

Nieder A. (2016) (REVIEW)

The neuronal code for number.

Nature Reviews Neuroscience 17: 366-82.[PDF].

Hage S.R., Gavrilov N., Nieder A. (2016)

Developmental changes of cognitive vocal control in monkeys.

Journal of Experimental Biology 219: 1744-1749. [PDF].

Ramirez-Cardenas A., Moskaleva, M., Nieder, A. (2016)

Neuronal representation of numerosity zero in the primate parieto-frontal number network.

Current Biology 26: 1285–1294 [PDF].

   -- accompanying Dispatch by Ben M. Harvey. [PDF]

Ditz H.M., Nieder A. (2016)

Numerosity representations in crows obey the Weber-Fechner Law.

Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283: 20160083. [PDF].

Eiselt A.-K., Nieder A. (2016)

Single-cell coding of sensory, spatial and numerical magnitudes in primate prefrontal, premotor and cingulate motor cortices.

Experimental Brain Research 234: 241-54. [PDF].

Steube N, Nowotny M, Pilz PKD and Gaese BH (2016)

Dependence of the Startle Response on Temporal and Spectral Characteristics of Acoustic Modulatory Influences in Rats and Gerbils.

Front. Behav. Neurosci. 10:133. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00133

Götze S, Koblitz JC, Denzinger A, Schnitzler HU (2016)

No evidence for spectral jamming avoidance in echolocation behavior of foraging pipistrelle bats.

Scientific Reports 6, 30978

Denzinger A, Kalko EKV, Tschapka M, Grinell A, Schnitzler HU (2016)

Guild structure and niche differentiation in echolocating bats.

Bat bioacoustics, Springer Handbook of auditory research

Gonzalez-Terrazas TP, Koblitz JC, Fleming TH, Medellin RA, Kalko EKV, Schmitzler HU, Tschapka M (2016)

How Nectar-Feeding Bats Localize their Food: Echolocation Behavior of Leptonycteri yerbabuenae Approaching Cactus Flowers.

PLoS ONE 11(9)


Veit L., Pidpruzhnykova G., Nieder A. (2015)

Associative learning rapidly establishes neuronal representations of upcoming behavioral choices in crows.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 112: 15208–15213. [PDF].

Moll F.W., Nieder A. (2015)

Cross-modal associative mnemonic signals in crow endbrain neurons.

Current Biology 25: 2196-2201. [PDF].

Ditz H.M., Nieder A. (2015)

Neurons selective to the number of visual items in the corvid songbird endbrain.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 112: 7827-7832. [PDF].

Hage S.R., Nieder A (2015)

Audio-vocal interaction in single neurons of the monkey ventrolateral prefrontal cortex.

Journal of Neuroscience 35:7030-7040. [PDF].

Viswanathan P., Nieder A (2015)

Differential impact of behavioral relevance on quantity coding in primate frontal and parietal neurons.

Current Biology 25: 1259–1269. [PDF].

Carter G, Schoeppler D, Manthey M, Knoernschild M and Denzinger A (2015)

Distress calls of a fast-flying bat M.molossus provoke inspection flights but not cooperative mobbing.

PLoS ONE 10(9): e0136146. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0136146

Siebert AM, Koblitz J C, Denzinger A and Schnitzler H-U (2015)

Bidirectional echolocation in the bat b. barbastellus: different signals of low source level are emitted upward through the nose ansd downward through the mouth.

PLoS ONE 10(9): e0135590. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.013559

Baumann-Pickering S, Roch MA, Wiggins SM, Schnitzler HU, Holdebrand JA (2015)

Acoustic behavior of melon-heades whales varies on a diel cycle.

Behav Ecol Sociobiol 69 (9)

Haffner J, Dietz C, Schnitzler HU, Denzinger A (2015)

Das Echoortungsverhalten der Nymphenfledermaus Myotis alcathoe.

In: Verbreitung und Ökologie der Nymphenfledermaus – Umweltspezial Ed: Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Augsburg, pp 27-34

Denzinger A, Tschapka M, Kalko EKV, Grinell AD and Schnitzler HU (20016)

Guild structure and niche differentiation in echolocating bats

Bat Bioacoustics, Springer Handbool of Auditory Research


Ott T., Jacob S.N., Nieder A (2014)

Dopamine receptors differentially enhance rule coding in primate prefrontal cortex neurons.

Neuron 84, 1317–1328. [PDF].

Moll F.W., Nieder A. (2014)

The long and the short of it: Rule-based relative length discrimination in carrion crows, Corvus corone.

Behavioural Processes 107: 142–149. [PDF]

Jacob S.N., Nieder A (2014)

Complementary roles for primate frontal and parietal cortex in guarding working memory from distractor stimuli.

Neuron 83: 226–237. [PDF]

Veit L., Hartmann K., Nieder A. (2014)

Neuronal correlates of visual working memory in the corvid endbrain. 

Journal of Neuroscience 34:7778 –7786. [PDF]

Eiselt A.-K., Nieder A. (2014)

Rule-activity related to spatial and numerical magnitudes: Comparison of prefrontal, premotor and cingulate motor cortices.

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 26:1000-1012. [PDF]

Moskaleva M., Nieder A. (2014)

Stable numerosity representations irrespective of magnitude context in macaque prefrontal cortex.

European Journal of Neuroscience 39: 866–874. [PDF]

Hage S.R., Ott T., Eiselt A.-K., Jacob S.N., Nieder A. (2014)

Ethograms indicate stable well-being during prolonged training phases in rhesus monkeys used in neurophysiological research.

Laboratory Animals 48: 82-7. [PDF]

Pilz PKD, Arnold SW, Rischawy AT and Plappert CF (2014)

Longterm-habituation of the startle response in mice is stimulus modality, but not context specific.

Front. Integr. Neurosci. 7:103. doi: 10.3389/fnint.2013.00103

Pirone A, Kurt S, Zuccotti A, Rüttiger L, Pilz P, Brown D, Franz C, Schweizer M, Rust M, Rübsamen R, Friauf E, Knipper M, Engel J (2014)

alpha2delta3 is essential for normal structure and function of auditory nerve synapses and is a novel candidate for auditory processing disorders.

J. Neuroscience 4:434-45

Saendig S, Schnitzler HU, Denzinger A (2014)

Echolocation behviour of the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) in an obstacle avoidance task of increasing difficulty

Journal of  Exp. Biol 217: 2876-2884


Veit L., Nieder A. (2013)

Abstract rule neurons in the endbrain support intelligent behavior in corvid songbirds.

Nature Communications 4:2878, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms3878 [PDF]

Jacob* S.N., Ott* T., Nieder A. (2013)

Dopamine regulates two classes of primate prefrontal neurons that represent sensory signals. 

Journal of Neuroscience 33: 13724-34. (*shared first authorship) [PDF]

Hage S.R., Nieder A. (2013)

Single neurons in monkey prefrontal cortex encode volitional initiation of vocalizations.

Nature Communications 4:2409, doi: 10.1038/ncomms3409 [PDF]

Viswanathan P., Nieder A. (2013)

Neuronal correlates of a visual 'sense of number' in primate parietal and prefrontal cortices.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 110: 11187–11192. [PDF]

Hage S.R., Gavrilov N., Nieder A. (2013)

Cognitive control of distinct vocalizations in rhesus monkeys.

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 25:1692-701. [PDF]

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Representation of abstract quantitative rules applied to spatial and numerical magnitudes in primate prefrontal cortex.

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Nieder A. (2013) (REVIEW)

Coding of abstract quantity by 'number neurons' of the primate brain.

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Audio-vocal interactions during vocal communication in squirrel monkeys and their neurobiological implications.

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Nieder A. (2012)

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Vallentin D., Bongard S, Nieder A. (2012)

Numerical rule coding in the prefrontal, premotor and posterior parietal cortices of macaques.

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Merten K., Nieder A. (2012)

Active encoding of decisions about stimulus absence in primate prefrontal cortex neurons.

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Jacob S.N., Vallentin D., Nieder A. (2012) (REVIEW)

Relating magnitudes: the brain's code for proportions.

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Vallentin D., Jacob S.N., Nieder A. (2012)

Neurobiologische Grundlagen der Verarbeitung von Anzahlen und Proportionen im Primatengehirn (in German)

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Nieder A. (2012)

Der Tierphilosophie anthropomorphe Kleider: Wie stammesgeschichtliche Kontinuität mit kognitiver Gleichheit verwechselt wird. Erwägen-Wissen-Ethik 23/2012, Heft 1 [PDF].

Commentary on: Wild, M. (2012) Tierphilosopie. Erwägen-Wissen-Ethik 23/2012 Heft 1

Nieder A. (2012)

Neurobiologische Grundlagen der Zahlenverarbeitung.

In: H.-O. Karnath & P. Thier (Eds.) Kognitive Neurowissenschaften. 3. Auf. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.

Nieder A. (2012) Commentary [PDF] on:

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Kobayasi K, Hage SR, Berquist S, Feng J & Metzner W (2012)

Behavioral and neurobiological implications of linear and non-linear features in larynx phonations of horseshoe bats.

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Bats eavesdrop on the sound of copulating flies.

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Stilz P, Schnitzler H-U. (2012)

Estimation of the acoustic range of bat ecolocation for extended targets.

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Thong VD, Denzinger A, Dietz C, Bates PJJ, Furey NM, Racey PA, Schnitzler HU (submitted):

Coelops frithii, a hipposiderid bat with a specialized echolocation system.

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Thong, VD, Dietz C, Denzinger A, Bates PJJ, Puechmaille SJ, Callou C, Schnitzler HU (2012)

Resolving a mammal mystery: the identity of Paracoelops megalotis (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae).

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Thong VD, Puechmaille SJ, Denzinger A, Dietz C, Csorba G, Bates PJJ, Teeling EC, Schnitzler HU (2011)

A new species of Hipposideros (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae) from Vietnam.

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Thong VD, Puechmaille SJ, Denzinger A, Bates PJJ, Dietz C, Csorba G, Soisook P, Teeling EC, Matsumura S, Furey NM, Schnitzler HU (2011)

Systematics of the Hipposideros turpis complex with a description of a new subspecies from Vietnam.

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Asymmetry and dynamics of a narrow sonar beam in echolocating harbour porpoise.

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Hoffmann* A., Rüttler* V., Nieder A. (2011)

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Nieder A. (2011)

Neurone mit Kalkül (in German)

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Nieder A. (2011)

The neural code for number.

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Koblitz J, Wahlberg M, Stilz P, Madsen P, Beedholm K, Schnitzler HU (2011)

Asymmetry and dynamics of a narrow sonar beam in an echolocating harbour porpoise.

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Koblitz J, Stilz P, Pflästerer W, Melcón ML, Schnitzler HU (2011)

Source level reduction and sonar beam aiming in landing big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus).

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Koselj K, Schnitzler HU, Siemers BM. (2011)

Horseshoe bats make adaptive prey selection decisions, informed by echo cues.

Proceedings of the Royal Society B, doi:10.1098/rspb.2010.2793

Melcón ML, Yovel Y, Denzinger A, Schnitzler HU (2011)

How greater mouse-eared bats deal with ambiguous echoic scenes.

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Schnitzler HU, Denzinger A (2011)

Auditory fovea and Doppler shift compensation: adaptations for flutter detection in echolocating bats using CF-FM signals.

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Thong VD, Dietz C, Denzinger A, Bates PJJ, Furey NM, Csorba G, Hoye G, Thuy LD, Schnitzler HU (2011)

Further records of Murina tiensa from Vietnam with first information on its echolocation calls.

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Yovel Y, Franz MO, Stilz P, Schnitzler HU (2011)

Complex echo classification by echo-locating bats.

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Franz MO, Yovel Y, Melcon ML, Stilz P, Schnitzler HU (2011)

Systematische Merkmalsbewertung in komplexen Ultraschallsignalen mit Lernmaschinen.

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Schnitzler HU, Denzinger A (2011)

"Ehrlichkeit" in der akustischen Kommunikation bei Tieren.

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Tudusciuc O., Nieder A. (2010)

Comparison of length judgments and the Müller-Lyer illusion in monkeys and humans.

Experimental Brain Research 207: 221-31. [PDF]

Vallentin D., Nieder A. (2010)

Representations of visual proportions in the primate posterior parietal and prefrontal cortices.

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Bongard S., Nieder A. (2010)

Basic mathematical rules are encoded by primate prefrontal cortex neurons.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 107: 2277-2282. [PDF]

Diester I., Nieder A. (2010)

Numerical values leave a semantic imprint on associated signs in monkeys.

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 22: 174–183. [PDF]

Nieder A. (2010)

Neural bases of numerical cognition.

In: M.L. Platt & A.A. Ghazanfar (eds.): Primate Neuroethology. Oxford University Press.

Baumann-Pickering S, Wiggins SM, Hildebrand JA, Roch MA, Schnitzler HU (2010)

Discriminating features of echolocation clicks of melon-headed whales (Peponocephala electra), bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), and Gray's spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris longirostris).

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Baumann-Pickering S, Wiggins SM, Roth EH, Roch MA, Schnitzler HU, Hildebrand JA (2010)

Echolocation signals of a beaked whale at Palmyra Atoll.

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Koblitz JC, Stilz P, Schnitzler HU (2010)

Source levels of echolocation signals vary in correlation with wingbeat cycle in landing big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus).

J Exp Biol 213: 3263-3268