
Dr. Muammar Mansor

Junior Group Leader


Universität Tübingen
Angewandte Geowissenschaften
Schnarrenbergstrasse 94-96
72076 Tübingen



As a nano-bio-geochemist, my main interest is in the area of microbial reactions that mediate important environmental processes on both the modern and ancient Earth, and even on other habitable worlds. I am particularly fascinated with the biogeochemistry of metals (e.g., Fe, Cu, Co, Ni) and sulfur, given these elements’ dual importance as bio-essential elements and being toxic at high concentrations. I use an interdisciplinary combination of molecular, geochemical, and modeling tools in order to elucidate the biogeochemical cycling of the elements from the nano- to the global-scale.

Current research interests include:

> Microbial formation of iron-sulfur minerals (e.g., pyrite) in microbial mats and ancient Earth

> Impact of anthropogenic nanoparticles and contaminants on microbial processes

> Development of single particle ICP-MS for the characterization of environmental colloids and microbe-mineral associations

> Preservation and diagenesis of biominerals as potential biosignatures

Interested students (BSc, HiWi, MSc) are encouraged to contact me for opportunities.

Interested in learning about single particle ICP-MS? Check out this video!

Academic History

Junior Group Leader in Geomicrobiology
Postdoctoral fellow in Nanogeomicrobiology

Group of Prof. Jie Xu, University of Texas at El Paso, Texas (USA)

Research Assistant

Laboratory for Isotopes and Metals in the Environment (LIME), Penn State University, Pennsylvania (USA)

Ph.D student in Geosciences & Astrobiology

Co-advised by Prof. Matt Fantle & Prof. Macalady, Penn State University, Pennsylvania (USA)

Master's in Science

M.S. Biotechnology, Penn State University, Pennsylvania (USA)

Bachelor of Science

BSc. Biotechnology, Penn State University, Pennsylvania (USA)



Peiffer, S., Maisch, M., Kappler, A., Schmidt, C., Mansor, M., Obst, M., & Frei, S. (2024). Kinetic constraints for the formation of microniches for microaerophilic Fe (II) oxidation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 364, 211-223.

Runge, E., Mansor, M., Chiu, T. H., Shuster, J., Fischer, S., Kappler, A., & Duda, J. P. (2024). Hydrothermal sulfidation of biogenic magnetite produces framboid-like pyrite. Communications Earth & Environment, 5(1), 252.

Chauhan, A., Patzner, M.S., Bhattacharyya, A., Borch, T., Fischer, S., Obst, M., ThomasArrigo, L.K., Kretzschmar, R., Mansor, M., Bryce, C. and Kappler, A., 2024. Interactions between iron and carbon in permafrost thaw ponds. Science of The Total Environment, p.174321.

Valdez-Nuñez, L.F., Kappler, A., Ayala-Muñoz, D., Chávez, I.J., Mansor, M. (2024) Acidophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria: diversity, ecophysiology and applications. Environmental Microbiology Reports 16:e70019.


Bronner, R., Thompson, K., Dreher, C., Runge, E., Voggenreiter, E., Shuster, J., Wan, B., Joshi, P., Fischer, S., Duda, J.P., Kappler, A., Mansor, M. (2023) Co-reduction of Fe(III) and S0 drives Fe-S biomineral formation and phosphate mobilization. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 24, 27-32.

Bai, Y., Sun, T., Mansor, M., Joshi, P., Zhuang, Y., Haderlein, S.B., Fischer, S., Konhauser, K.O., Alessi, D.S. and Kappler, A., (2023) Networks of Dissolved Organic Matter and Organo-Mineral Associations Stimulate Electron Transfer over Centimeter Distances. Environmental Science & Technology Letters.

Domingos, J. M., E. Runge, C. Dreher, T-H. Chiu, J. Shuster, S. Fischer, A. Kappler, Jan-Peter Duda, J. Xu, and M. Mansor. (2023). Inferred pyrite growth via the particle attachment pathway in the presence of trace metals. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 26, 14-19.

Runge E.A., Mansor M., Shuster J., Fischer S., Liu Y., Lunter D.J., Kappler A., Duda J-P. (2023) Sulfidation of nano-magnetite to pyrite: Implications for interpreting paleoenvironmental proxies and biosignature records in hydrothermal sulfide deposits. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 

Kappler A, Thompson A, Mansor M (2023) Impact of biogenic magnetite formation and transformation on biogeochemical cycles. Elements 19: 222-227, DOI: 10.2138/gselements.19.4.222.

Huang, J., Mellage, A., Pavon-Garcia, J., Gloeckler, D., Mahler, S., Elsner, M., Jakus, N., Mansor, M., Jiang, H., Kappler, A. (2023) Metabolic performance and fate of electrons during nitrate-reducing Fe(II) oxidation by the autotrophicenrichment culture KS grown at different initial Fe:N ratios. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 89, e00196-23.



Van Le, A., Muehe, M.E., Drabesch, S., Pacheco, L.J., Bayer, T., Joshi, P., Kappler, A., Mansor, M. (2022) Environmental risk of arsenic mobilization from disposed sand filter materials. Environmental Science & Technology 56, 16822-16830.

Runge, E.A., Mansor, M., Kappler, A., Duda, J.P. (2022) Microbial biosignatures in ancient deep-sea hydrothermal sulfides. Geobiology,

Mansor, M., Alarcon, H., Xu, Jie, Ranville, J.F., Montano, D. (2022) Simultaneous Insight into Dissolution and Aggregation of Metal Sulfide Nanoparticles through Single-Particle Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometrey. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry,





Kappler, A., Bryce, C., Mansor, M., Lueder, U., Byrne, J.M., Swanner, E. (2021) An evolving view on biogeochemical cycling of iron. Nature Reviews Microbiology.

Mansor, M., Drabesch, S., Bayer, T., van Le, A., Chauhan, A., Schmidtmann, J., Pfeiffer, S., Kappler, A. (2021) Application of Single particle ICP-MS to determine mass distribution and number concentrations of environmental nanoparticles and colloids in environmental samples. Environmental Science and Technology Letters. doi: 10.1021/acs.estlett.1c00314.

Huang, J., Jones, A., Waite, T.D., Chen, Y., Huang, X., Rosso, K., Kappler, A., Mansor, M., Tratynek, P.G., Zhang, H. (2021) Fe(II) Redox Chemistry in the Environment. Chemical Reviews. doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.0c01286

Pienkowska, A., Glodowska, M., Mansor, M., Buchner, D., Straub, D., Kleindienst, S., & Kappler, A. (2021) Isotopic Labeling Reveals Microbial Methane Oxidation Coupled to Fe(III) Mineral Reduction in Sediments from an As-Contaminated Aquifer. Environmental Science & Technology Letters.

Schad, M., Halama, M., Jakus, N., Robbins, L.J., Warchola, T.J., Tejada, J., Kirchhof, R., Lalonde, S.V., Swanner, E.D., Planavsky, N.J., Thorwarth, H., Mansor, M., Konhauser, K.O., Kappler, A. (2021) Phosphate Remobilization from Banded Iron Formations during Metamorphic Mineral Transformations. Chemical Geology 584, 120489.

Yan, Y., Wan, B., Mansor, M., Wang, X., Zhang, Q., Kappler, A., & Feng, X. (2021) Co-sorption of metal ions and inorganic anions/organic ligands on environmental materials: A review. Science of The Total Environment, 149918.

Dopffel, N., Jamieson, J., Bryce, C., Joshi, P., Mansor, M., Siade, A., Prommer, H., Kappler, A. (2021) Temperature dependence of nitrate-reducing Fe(II) oxidation by Acidovorax strain BoFeN1 - evaluating the role of enzymatic vs. abiotic Fe(II) oxidation by nitrite. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 97, fiab155.


Mansor, M. & Xu, J. (2020) “Benefits at the nanoscale: a review of nanoparticle‐enabled processes favouring microbial growth and functionality.” Environmental Microbiology.

Mansor, M., Cantando, E., Wang, Y., Hernandez-Viezcas, J., Gardea-Torresdey, J., Hochella Jr., M.F. & Xu, J. (2020) “Insights into the biogeochemical cycling of cobalt: Precipitation and transformation of cobalt sulfide nanoparticles under low-temperature aqueous conditions.” Environmental Science & Technology, 54(9), 5598-5607.


Mansor, M., Winkler, C., Hochella Jr., M.F. & Xu, J. (2019). “Nanoparticulate nickel-hosting phases in sulfidic environments: Effects of ferrous iron and bacterial presence on mineral formation mechanism and solid-phase nickel distribution.” Frontiers in Earth Science – Earth and Planetary Materials, 7, 151.

Mansor, M. & Fantle, M.S. (2019) “A novel framework for interpreting the pyrite-based Fe isotope records of the past.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 253, 39-62.

Mansor, M., Berti, D., Hochella, M., Murayama, M. & Xu, J. (2019) “Phase, morphology, elemental composition and formation mechanisms of biogenic and abiogenic Fe-Cu-sulfide nanoparticles: A comparative study on their occurrences under anoxic conditions.” American Mineralogist, 104(5), 703-717.


Mansor, M., Harouaka, K., Gonzales, M.S., Macalady, J.L. & Fantle, M.S. (2018). “Transport-induced spatial patterns of sulfur isotopes (δ34S) as biosignatures.” Astrobiology, 18(1), 59-72.


Mansor, M. & Macalady, J.L. (2016). “Draft genome sequence of lampenflora Chlorobium limicola strain Frasassi in a sulfidic cave system.” Genome Announcements, 4(3), e00357-16.

Harouaka, K., Mansor, M., Macalady, J.L. & Fantle, M.S. (2016). “Calcium isotopic fractionation in microbially mediated gypsum precipitates.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 184, 114-131.


Mansor, M., Hamilton, T.L., Fantle, M.S. & Macalady, J.L. (2015). “Metabolic diversity and ecological niches of Achromatium populations revealed with single-cell genomic sequencing.” Frontiers in Microbiology, 6.