The ThermoScientific® Neptune Plus MC-ICP-MS at the isotope geochemistry laboratory is mainly used for non-traditional stable isotope ratio measurements of Ti, Cr, Fe, Zn, Se, Mo, Cd and W. The optional Aridus II and Aridus III desolvation sample uptake systems allow accurate isotope ratio determinations of very low analyte concentrations at high precision.



Major element analyses are carried out using an Agilent ICP-OES 5110, which was installed in 2022. Small sample sizes down to 50mg are routinely analysed. This is especially important for small sample quantities such as those derived from drill cores. 



Trace element analyses are carried out using a ThermoFisher iCap Q-ICPMS. Small sample sizes down to 50mg are routinely analysed. This is especially important when dealing with small sample quantities such as those derived from drill cores. 

Sample uptake via an ESI hydride generator allows accurate and precise determination of Se and Te concentrations.


Major and trace element data is monitored by regular participation of the proficiency testing program of the  IAG (Geo-PT) to ensure data accuracy and precision at the highest levels.