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Recent publications


  • Schüßler, M., Capitain, C., Bugsel, B., Zweigle, J. and Zwiener, C. (2024) Non-target screening reveals 124 PFAS at an AFFF-impacted field site in Germany specified by novel systematic terminology. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry.  DOI: 10.1007/s00216-024-05611-3
  • Zweigle, J., Schmidt, A., Bugsel, B., Vogel, C., Simon, F. and Zwiener, C. (2024) Perfluoroalkyl acid precursor or weakly fluorinated organic compound? A proof of concept for oxidative fractionation of PFAS and organofluorines. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry.  DOI:  10.1007/s00216-024-05590-5
  • Zweigle, J., Simon, F., Meermann, B. and Zwiener, C. (2024) Can Qualitative Nontarget Data Be Indicative of PFAS Contamination? First Evidence by Correlation with EOF in Environmental Samples. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 11(9), 996-1001.  DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.4c00442
  • Vestergren, R., Appelblom, A., Bălan, S.A., Brandsma, S.H., Bruton, T.A., Cousins, I.T., Gauthier, J.R., Heggelund, A., Ivarsson, J., Kärrman, A., Melymuk, L., Olisah, C., Rosen, A., Savvidou, E.K., Schellenberger, S., Skedung, L., Talasniemi, P., Wickman, T., Zweigle, J., Zwiener, C. and Benskin, J.P. (2024) A Systematic Workflow for Compliance Testing of Emerging International Classwide Restrictions on PFAS. Environmental Science & Technology 58(34), 14968-14972.  DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.4c06570
  • Haluska, A.A., Röhler, K., Fabregat-Palau, J., Alexandrino, D.A.M., Abramov, S., Thompson, K.J., Straub, D., Kleindienst, S., Bugsel, B., Zweigle, J., Zwiener, C. and Grathwohl, P. (2024) Complementary Field and Laboratory Batch Studies to Quantify Generation Rates of Perfluoroalkyl Acids in a Contaminated Agricultural Topsoil with Unknown Precursors. Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation 44(3), 61-75.  DOI: 10.1111/gwmr.12680
  • Chandrajith, R., Zwiener, C., Daniel, C., Amann, K., Nanayakkara, N. and Barth, J.A.C. (2024) Screening of Micro-organic Compounds in Groundwater from Areas with Chronic Kidney Disease of Unclear Aetiology (CKDu) in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka. Exposure and Health.  DOI: 10.1007/s12403-024-00651-7
  • Zweigle J.,Bugsel B.,Fabregat-Palau J., Zwiener C. (2024) PFΔScreen — an open-source tool for automated PFAS feature prioritization in non-target HRMS data. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 416, 349 - 362.  DOI: 10.1007/s00216-023-05070-2


  • Bugsel, B., Schüßler, M., Zweigle, J., Schmitt, M. and Zwiener, C. (2023) Photocatalytical transformation of fluorotelomer- and perfluorosulfonamide-based PFAS on mineral surfaces and soils in aqueous suspensions. Science of the Total Environment 894, 164907.   DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164907
  • Bugsel, B., Zweigle, J. and Zwiener, C. (2023) Nontarget screening strategies for PFAS prioritization and identification by high resolution mass spectrometry: A review. Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry 40, e00216.   DOI: 10.1016/j.teac.2023.e00216
  • Chandrajith, R., Nanayakkara, N., Zwiener, C., Daniel, C., Amann, K. and Barth, J.A.C. (2023) Geochemical Characteristics of Groundwater Consumed by Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease with Unknown Aetiology in the Crystalline Dry Zone Terrain of Sri Lanka. Exposure and Health.   DOI: 10.1007/s12403-023-00547-y
  • Strynar, M., McCord, J., Newton, S., Washington, J., Barzen-Hanson, K., Trier, X., Liu, Y., Dimzon, I.K., Bugsel, B., Zwiener, C. and Munoz, G. (2023) Practical application guide for the discovery of novel PFAS in environmental samples using high resolution mass spectrometry. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology.   DOI: 10.1038/s41370-023-00578-2
  • Usman, M., Kuckelkorn, J., Kämpfe, A., Zwiener, C., Wintgens, T.A. and Linnemann, V. (2023) Identification of disinfection by-products (DBP) in thermal water swimming pools applying Non-Target Screening by LC-/GC-HRMS. Journal of Hazardous materials, 130981.   DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2023.130981
  • Wirsching, J., Rodriguez, L.C., Ditterich, F., Pagel, H., He, R., Uksa, M., Zwiener, C., Kandeler, E. and Poll, C. (2023) Temperature and soil moisture change microbial allocation of pesticide-derived carbon. European Journal of Soil Science 74(5), e13417.   DOI: 10.1111/ejss.13417
  • Zweigle, J., Bugsel, B., Fabregat-Palau, J. and Zwiener, C. (2023) PFΔScreen — an open-source tool for automated PFAS feature prioritization in non-target HRMS data. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry.   DOI: 10.1007/s00216-023-05070-2
  • Zweigle, J., Bugsel, B., Röhler, K., Haluska, A.A. and Zwiener, C. (2023) PFAS-Contaminated Soil Site in Germany: Nontarget Screening before and after Direct TOP Assay by Kendrick Mass Defect and FindPFΔS. Environmental Science & Technology 57, 6647-6655.   DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.2c07969
  • Zweigle, J., Bugsel, B. and Zwiener, C. (2023) Efficient PFAS prioritization in non-target HRMS data: systematic evaluation of the novel MD/C-m/C approach. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 415, 1791–1801.   DOI: 10.1007/s00216-023-04601-1
  • Zweigle, J., Capitain, C., Simon, F., Roesch, P., Bugsel, B. and Zwiener, C. (2023) Non-extractable PFAS in functional textiles – characterization by complementary methods: oxidation, hydrolysis, and fluorine sum parameters. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 25, 1298-1310.   DOI: 10.1039/D3EM00131H


  • Ajibola, A.S. and Zwiener, C. (2022) Occurrence and Risk Assessment of Antibiotic Residues in Sewage Sludge of Two Nigerian Hospital Wastewater Treatment Plants. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 233(10), 405.   DOI: 10.1007/s11270-022-05875-4
  • Bugsel, B., Bauer, R., Herrmann, F., Maier, M.E. and Zwiener, C. (2022) LC-HRMS screening of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in impregnated paper samples and contaminated soils. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 414, 1217-1225.   DOI: 10.1007/s00216-021-03463-9
  • Daniel, C., Enghard, P., Ratnatunga, N., Wijetunge, S., Wazil, A.W.M., Zwiener, C., Barth, J.A.C., Chandrajith, R., Klewer, M., Eckhardt, K.-U., Amann, K., Freund, P., Premarathne, S., Pushpakumara, W.D.R.N. and Nanayakkara, N. (2022) Early Ultrastructural Changes in Biopsies From Patients With Symptomatic CKD of Uncertain Etiology. Kidney International Reports.   DOI: 10.1016/j.ekir.2022.12.022
  • Schmieg, H., Krais, S., Kübler, K., Ruhl, A.S., Schmidgall, I.M., Zwiener, C., Köhler, H.-R. and Triebskorn, R. (2022) Effects of the Antidepressant Amitriptyline on Juvenile Brown Trout and Their Modulation by Microplastics. Toxics 10(12), 763.   
  • Usman, M., Hüben, M., Kato, T., Zwiener, C., Wintgens, T. and Linnemann, V. (2022) Occurrence of brominated disinfection by-products in thermal spas. Science of the Total Environment 845, 157338.   DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157338
  • Zweigle, J., Bugsel, B., Capitain, C. and Zwiener, C. (2022) PhotoTOP: PFAS Precursor Characterization by UV/TiO2 Photocatalysis. Environmental Science & Technology 56(22), 15728-15736.   DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.2c05652
  • Zweigle, J., Bugsel, B. and Zwiener, C. (2022) FindPFΔS: Non-Target Screening for PFAS─Comprehensive Data Mining for MS2 Fragment Mass Differences. Analytical Chemistry 94, 10788-10796.   DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c01521


  • Müller, M. E.; Zwiener, C.; Escher, B. I., Storm Event–Driven Occurrence and Transport of Dissolved and Sorbed Organic Micropollutants and Associated Effects in the Ammer River, Southwestern Germany. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 2021, 40, (1), 88-99.
  • Schmitt, M.; Wack, K.; Glaser, C.; Wei, R.; Zwiener, C., Separation of Photochemical and Non-Photochemical Diurnal In-Stream Attenuation of Micropollutants. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, (13), 8908- 8917.
  • Ziegler, M.; Banet, M.; Bauer, R.; Köhler, H. R.; Stepinski, S.; Tisler, S.; Huhn, C.; Zwiener, C.; Triebskorn, R., Behavioral and Developmental Changes in Brown Trout After Exposure to the Antidepressant Venlafaxine. Frontiers in Environmental Science 2021, 8, 289.
  • Ziegler, M.; Eckstein, H.; Köhler, H.-R.; Tisler, S.; Zwiener, C.; Triebskorn, R., Effects of the Antidepressants Citalopram and Venlafaxine on the Big Ramshorn Snail (Planorbarius corneus). Water 2021, 13, (13), 1722.
  • Zweigle, J.; Bugsel, B.; Schmitt, M.; Zwiener, C., Electrochemical Oxidation of 6:2 Polyfluoroalkyl Phosphate Diester—Simulation of Transformation Pathways and Reaction Kinetics with Hydroxyl Radicals. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, (16), 11070-11079.


  • Ajibola, A., Tisler, S. and Zwiener, C. (2020) Simultaneous determination of multiclass antibiotics in sewage sludge based on QuEChERS extraction and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical Methods.
  • Bugsel, B. and Zwiener, C. (2020) LC-MS screening of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances in contaminated soil by Kendrick mass analysis. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry.
  • Evlampidou, I., Font-Ribera, L., Rojas-Rueda, D., Gracia-Lavedan, E., Costet, N., Pearce, N., Vineis, P., Jaakkola, J.J.K., Delloye, F., Makris, K.C., Stephanou, E.G., Kargaki, S., Kozisek, F., Sigsgaard, T., Hansen, B., Schullehner, J., Nahkur, R., Galey, C., Zwiener, C., Vargha, M., Righi, E., Aggazzotti, G., Kalnina, G., Grazuleviciene, R., Polanska, K., Gubkova, D., Bitenc, K., Goslan, E.H., Kogevinas, M. and Villanueva, C.M. (2020) Trihalomethanes in Drinking Water and Bladder Cancer Burden in the European Union. Environmental Health Perspectives 128(1), 017001.
  • Glaser, C., Zarfl, C., Werneburg, M., Böckmann, M., Zwiener, C. and Schwientek, M. (2020) Temporal and spatial variable in-stream attenuation of selected pharmaceuticals. Science of the Total Environment 741, 139514.   DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139514
  • Lege, S., Sorwat, J., Yanez Heras, J.E. and Zwiener, C. (2020) Abiotic and biotic transformation of torasemide - Occurrence of degradation products in the aquatic environment. Water Research 177, 115753.   DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2020.115753
  • Müller, M.E., Werneburg, M., Glaser, C., Schwientek, M., Zarfl, C., Escher, B.I. and Zwiener, C. (2020) Influence of emission sources and tributaries on the spatial and temporal patterns of micropollutant mixtures and associated effects in a small river. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 39(7), 1382-1391.   DOI: 10.1002/etc.4726
  • Ziegler, M., Knoll, S., Köhler, H.-R., Tisler, S., Huhn, C., Zwiener, C. and Triebskorn, R. (2020) Impact of the antidepressant citalopram on the behaviour of two different life stages of brown trout. PeerJ 8, e8765.   DOI: 10.7717/peerj.8765
  • Zindler, F., Tisler, S., Loerracher, A.-K., Zwiener, C. and Braunbeck, T. (2020) Norfluoxetine Is the Only Metabolite of Fluoxetine in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Embryos That Accumulates at Environmentally Relevant Exposure Scenarios. Environmental Science & Technology.   DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b07618


  • Balasooriya, S., Munasinghe, H., Herath, A.T., Diyabalanage, S., Ileperuma, O.A., Manthrithilake, H., Daniel, C., Amann, K., Zwiener, C., Barth, J.A.C. and Chandrajith, R. (2019) Possible links between groundwater geochemistry and chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu): an investigation from the Ginnoruwa region in Sri Lanka. Exposure and Health.
  • Font-Ribera, L., Marco, E., Grimalt, J.O., Pastor, S., Marcos, R., Abramsson-Zetterberg, L., Pedersen, M., Grummt, T., Junek, R., Barreiro, E., Heederik, D., Spithoven, J., Critelli, R., Naccarati, A., Schmalz, C., Zwiener, C., Liu, J., Zhang, X., Mitch, W., Gracia-Lavedan, E., Arjona, L., de Bont, J., Tarès, L., Vineis, P., Kogevinas, M. and Villanueva, C.M. (2019) Exposure to disinfection by-products in swimming pools and biomarkers of genotoxicity and respiratory damage – The PISCINA2 Study. Environment International 131, 104988.
  • Guillet, G., Knapp, J.L.A., Merel, S., Cirpka, O.A., Grathwohl, P., Zwiener, C. and Schwientek, M. (2019) Fate of wastewater contaminants in rivers: Using conservative-tracer based transfer functions to assess reactive transport. Science of the Total Environment 656, 1250-1260.
  • Jacob, S., Knoll, S., Huhn, C., Köhler, H.-R., Tisler, S., Zwiener, C. and Triebskorn, R. (2019) Effects of guanylurea, the transformation product of the antidiabetic drug metformin, on the health of brown trout (Salmo trutta f. fario). PeerJ 7, e7289.
  • Jacob, S., Köhler, H.-R., Tisler, S., Zwiener, C. and Triebskorn, R. (2019) Impact of the Antidiabetic Drug Metformin and Its Transformation Product Guanylurea on the Health of the Big Ramshorn Snail (Planorbarius corneus). Frontiers in Environmental Science 7(45).
  • Janda, J., Nödler, K., Scheurer, M., Happel, O., Nürenberg, G., Zwiener, C. and Lange, F.T. (2019) Closing the gap – inclusion of ultrashort-chain perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids in the total oxidizable precursor (TOP) assay protocol. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts (21), 1926-1935.
  • Lege, S., Eisenhofer, A., Heras, J.E.Y. and Zwiener, C. (2019) Identification of transformation products of denatonium – Occurrence in wastewater treatment plants and surface waters. Science of the Total Environment 686, 140-150.
  • Müller, M.E., Vikstrom, S., König, M., Schlichting, R., Zarfl, C., Zwiener, C. and Escher, B.I. (2019) Mitochondrial toxicity of selected micropollutants, their mixtures and surface water samples measured by the oxygen consumption rate in cells. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 38(5), 1000-1011.
  • Timm, A., Borowska, E., Majewsky, M., Merel, S., Zwiener, C., Bräse, S. and Horn, H. (2019) Photolysis of four β‑lactam antibiotics under simulated environmental conditions: Degradation, transformation products and antibacterial activity. Science of the Total Environment 651, 1605-1612.
  • Tisler, S., Zindler, F., Freeling, F., Nödler, K., Toelgyesi, L., Braunbeck, T. and Zwiener, C. (2019) Transformation Products of Fluoxetine Formed by Photodegradation in Water and Biodegradation in Zebrafish Embryos (Danio rerio). Environmental Science & Technology 53, 7400-7409.
  • Tisler, S. and Zwiener, C. (2019) Aerobic and anaerobic formation and biodegradation of guanyl urea and other transformation products of metformin. Water Research 149, 130-135.
  • van Veldhoven, K., Keski-Rahkonen, P., Barupal, D.K., Villanueva, C.M., Font-Ribera, L., Scalbert, A., Bodinier, B., Grimalt, J.O., Zwiener, C., Vlaanderen, J., Portengen, L., Vermeulen, R., Vineis, P., Chadeau-Hyam, M. and Kogevinas, M. (2018) Effects of exposure to water disinfection by-products in a swimming pool: A metabolome-wide association study. Environment International 111, 60-70.

Book chapters

  • C. Zwiener, T.J. Gremm, F.H. Frimmel: Pharmaceutical Residues in the Aquatic environment and their Significance for Drinking Water Production. In: Kümmerer K. (Ed.): Pharmaceuticals in the environment: Sources, fate, effects and risks. Springer, Berlin, pp. 81-89 (2001).
  • C. Zwiener, F.H. Frimmel: Water Quality. In: W. Kleiboehmer, Handbook of Analytical Separation Vol 3: Environmental Analysis, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 277-318 (2001).
  • C. Zwiener, G. Ohlenbusch, F.H. Frimmel: Analysis and occurrence of nitrogen-heterocyclic and polyaromatic compounds and their transformation products in the subsurface at a contaminated site. In: H.D. Schulz, A. Hadeler (Eds.), Geochemical Processes in Soil and Groundwater: Measurement – Modelling – Upscaling, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, pp. 224-238 (2003).
  • C. Zwiener, T. Glauner, F.H. Frimmel: Liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry and derivatization for the identification of polar carbonyl disinfection by-products. In: I. Ferrer, E.M. Thurman (Eds.), Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, MS/MS and Time-of-Flight MS – Analysis of Emerging Contaminants. ACS Symposium Series, Vol. 850, Chapter 21, American Chemical Society and Oxford University Press, Washington, pp 356-375 (2003).
  • C. Zwiener, F.H. Frimmel: Organic trace analysis by GC-ITD/MS and LC-ESI/MS/MS applied to MX and other disinfection by-products in water treatment. In: P.A. Wilderer, J. Zhu, N. Schwarzenbeck (Eds.), Water in China - Water and Environmental Management Series, IWA Publishing, London, pp 59-67 (2003).
  • C. Zwiener, F.H. Frimmel: Residues of clofibiric acid, ibuprofen and diclofenac in the aquatic environment and their elimination in sewage treatment and drinking water production. In: Kümmerer K. (Ed.), Pharmaceuticals in the environment: Sources, fate, effects and risks. 2nd Ed., Chapter 9, Springer, Berlin, pp. 121-132 (2004).
  • F. Saravia, C. Zwiener, F. H. Frimmel: Der Einfluss von Ladung und Ionenstärke auf den Membranrückhalt. In: Melin T., Dohmann M. (Eds.), 6. Aachener Tagung, Siedlungswasser¬wirt-schaft und Verfahrenstechnik, Aachen (2005).
  • C. Zwiener: THMs, HAAs, and Emerging Disinfection By-products in Drinking Water. In: Reemtsma T., Jekel M. (Eds.): Organic pollutants in the water cycle. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, pp. 251-286 (2006).
  • C. Zwiener: Verhalten von Arzneimittelrückständen bei der Trinkwasseraufbereitung. In: Frimmel F.H., Müller M. (Eds.): Heil-Lasten – Arzneimittelrückstände in Gewässern, Springer, Berlin, pp. 207-224 (2006).
  • C. Zwiener: Environmental Applications: Strategies for the GC-MS and LC-MS analysis of endocrine disruptors in environmental compartments. In: Niessen W.M.A. (Vol.-Ed.), Gross M.L.., Caprioli R.M. (Eds.-In-Chief): Encyclopedia of mass spectrometry, Vol. 8: Hyphenated methods, pp. 603-610, Elsevier Science, Oxford, (2006).
  • T. Glauner, C. Zwiener, F.H. Frimmel: Minimierung von Desinfektionsnebenprodukten unter Berücksichtigung chemischer Aspekte und neuer Aufbereitungstechnologien. In: Projektträger Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (PTKA), Bereich Wassertechnologie und Entsorgung (WTE) (Ed.): Abschlussbericht des Forschungsverbundvorhabens „Sicherheit von Schwimm- und Badebeckenwasser aus gesundheitlicher und aufbereitungstechnischer Sicht, Dresden (2006).
  • F. Tiefenbrunner, C. Zwiener: Badewasser, S.867-894. In: Karl Höll: Wasser - Nutzung im Kreislauf - Hygiene, Analyse und Bewertung, 9. Auflage, Nießner, R. (Ed.), Berlin, De Gruyter (2010).
  • C. Zwiener, C. Schmalz: Ion Mobility Spectrometry to Monitor Trichloramine in Indoor Pool Air. In: Karanfil T., Mitch B., Westerhoff P., Xie Y. (Eds.) Recent Advances in Disinfection By-Products, ACS Symposium Series Vol. 1190, Chapter 22, pp 431-446, American Chemical Society and Oxford University Press, Washington, (2015).
  • S. Merel, C. Zwiener: Accurate Mass Screening and Data Evaluation Approaches for Ozonation by-Products in Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluents. In: J. E. Drewes and T. Letzel (Eds.), Assessing Transformation Products of Chemicals by Non-Target and Suspect Screening Strategies and Suspect Screening − Strategies and Workflows. ACS Symposium Series Vol. 1242, Chapter 1 (Vol. 2), pp3-27, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC (2016).