MASC3 (Multi-Purpose Airborne Sensor Carrier, Version 3)
WINSENTvalid - Wind Science and Engineering in Complex Terrain
Monitoring natural CO2 emissions using low-cost sensor
Train2Wind - PhD TRAINing school analysing enTRAINment in offshore WIND farms (Image from
VALUAS/FESTVAL - Field Experiment on Submesoscale Spatio-Temporal Variability in Lindenberg (Foto: Ines Weber)
UnLuBW - Unbemannte Luftschadstoffmessung in Baden-Württemberg
Ammertal Network Ground Measurements
New particle formation in the ABL
ISOBAR - Innovative Strategies for Observations in the Arctic Atmospheric Boundary Layer
Offshore ABL measurements for wind energy applications
HeliOW - Helicopter Flights in Offshore Windparks
WIPAFF - Wind Park Far Field
X-Wakes - Cross-Wakes (Foto: Jörge Schneemann, ForWind - Uni Oldenburg)
New Particle Formation in the Arctic Boundary Layer