English Department Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen Wilhelmstr. 50 72074 Tübingen, Germany
The "English Linguistics" group at the English department investigates the syntax, information structure, and intonation of English and concentrates on the interaction between structure and meaning. The research projects in the SFB 833 and the postgraduate program GRK 1808 in Tübingen combine empirical research, advances in theoretical research with psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic perspectives. The chair covers the following research areas:
› Syntactic Theory, Minimalism, Generative Grammar › Information Structure, Focus Theory, Intonation Analysis › Syntax-Discourse Interface, Information Structure-Processing Interface › Experimental Syntax (see Prof. Dr. Sam Featherston Link) › Ambiguity, Linguistics and Rhetoric, Syntactic and Semantic Mismatches › Language in the Mind and Brain, Reorganized Language, Speech Errors
The current research projects of the chair are:
SFB 833 Projekt A7: Fokus und Extraktion in komplexen Konstruktionen und Inselkonfigurationen (Prof. Winkler)
SFB 833 Projekt C6: Ausdrucksmittel extrapropositionaler Bedeutungen - Diachronie und Synchronie (Prof. Axel-Tober/Prof. Featherston)