Bachelor Thesis
The chair offers all interested students the opportunity to apply for a bachelor thesis. On this page you will find information on the application procedure, the assignment of topics and the Bachelor thesis process.
Master Thesis
Students who show a high level of interest in our courses or a good academic record have the opportunity to write their Master's thesis at the Chair of Marketing. By writing a Master's thesis, students can prove their ability to work independently on a topic and thus demonstrate their academic professional training.
The Chair offers students the opportunity to write a Master's thesis on a variety of current marketing topics. Some of the Master's theses include an empirical study. In addition to the list of current marketing topics, the topic can also be suggested by the student.
All relevant information on the Master's thesis can be found here.
In addition, PD Dr. Adrienne Cansier offers a supplementary supervision colloquium as an external lecturer at the chair in the summer semester. Further information can be found here.