Internationale Angelegenheiten





Tübingen South Africa Program 2012


Trip to Schloss Hohentübingen

Report: Schloss Hohentübingen

Schloss Tübingen is situated in a central part of Tubingen and allows one to have a majestic view of the beautiful city. The castle has been used for multiple purposes and is the current home of artefacts which range from regions such as the southern parts of Germany as we know it today, stretching over to African soil with pieces from Egypt and ending off with Greece. The castle is a popular tourist attraction and rightly so. You are able to fully absorb the rich history and interior as you go on an exciting trip of history and development in the castle museum.
In the rooms which focus on Germany, one can truly see how the artefacts highlight man’s intelligence over the years before Christ and how they managed to develop bigger and better tools or infrastructure to make their lives easier. That is definitely a German thing! You should see how this city is run. Its efficient, safe and eco-friendly – quite a rare find!

As you then pass through the museum, you find yourself in a wall to wall display of Greek pieces which are more focused on the aesthetic appeal and storage of oils and other often used liquids like wine and so forth. When one reaches the exhibit on Africa, with a big focus on Egypt, you are able to experience a real Egyptian tomb and some smaller relics. This was a highlight for the group.

This is definitely a must see when in Tubingen as it not only offers one the opportunity to explore and appreciate the beauty of a Euro-Northern African history but more over demonstrates how the institutes of these regions have forged ties with each and in that way takes you, the tourist on a unique and interesting historical journey.

Wayde Groep







acameo-GbR-Christian Roppelt / © Universität Tübingen / Stand: 15.01.2012