Internationale Angelegenheiten



Tübingen South Africa Program 2013



Carnival Parade

For one to describe their experiences first hand one cannot fully understand in words, but by experiences and images taken of the day. The whole vibe of the morning was excitement towards what could take place once we arrived at the carnival, the not knowing what could happen but being aware of the chances of an encounter with the people in the carnival was exciting to some and nerve racking for others.
On arrival we got ready for the carnival with painting of our faces and trying to get into the spirit of the event. Once the carnival started many colours could be seen with varieties of masks all around. Every group displayed their uniqueness in terms of the mask selections and the clothes that they wore.
The excitement among the group was very visible as everybody participated in the festivities by taking lots of photos and dancing to the music of the day.
My personal experience was an exciting one, being rubbed in the face with polish to being sprayed with lots of confetti to having flour and sugar messed in my hair. The whole experience was amazing and will never be forgotten.
The carnival was an insight into the lives of the German people and how they believe having this carnival chases away the evils of winter and in turn brings spring to Germany.
The carnival was one of the highlights of my stay in Tubingen and the memories I made will last me a life time.

(Tracey Gilbert)






Roppelt Christian - acameo-GbR / © Universität Tübingen / Stand: 09.01.2013