Internationale Angelegenheiten



Tübingen South Africa Program 2013



The Dance Evening

Dance is something I live for, 10 hours of fixed rehearsals every week; this includes dancing with adults and also with a few blind friends of mine, all of this at Maties Dance.
Ballroom and Latin Dancing, is one very elegant sport one could ever want to do, and well, I guess after this day we can all say we are elegant. A very favourite Latin text saying “Come si vive senza la danze? , meaning, how can one live without dance?, inspires me to love dance even more. My wonderful dance coach always says, it’s not about the moves but about what the dance means to you.
One may argue and say this wasn’t meant to be too serious but surprisingly it was and everyone was excited about it. Just to share, a few hours before the actual event people were cornering me, asking if I can teach them a few moves before the actual starting time time, shows how much my fellow students were content to start shaking their biscuits.
Though I have made a statement that dance is a very elegant thing, one could argue and say it’s just for fun, which is true and I would gladly add that if you enjoy it, then you are not wrong, or rather say doing something you like.
The gentleman asked to instruct us was amazing, very patient and very sweet. I think I am very lucky to have people teaching me how to dance, with such nature. The impression he gave to me, was love. Love your music, your dance, your partner and you will never go wrong. I learnt a lot from him, like how to portray yourself on the dance floor, and also a few other things I have been struggling with in South Africa.
Without any holdback I can gladly say we all had a wonderful night and we were all happy to learn something new, and complicated yet so beautiful, and we are excited to have someone like Philina who supports us every step of the way. If it was possible, I would come back on this programme and have a wonderful time like I just did this year.
I would also like to propose a nice slogan for this day, “don’t blame it on Barbara, blame it on the Boogie”

Dankeschön, Tubingen

(Siyethemba Masikane)






Roppelt Christian - acameo-GbR / © Universität Tübingen / Stand: 09.01.2013