Internationale Angelegenheiten



Tübingen South Africa Program 2013



South African Dinner


It was the final full day of our stay in Tübingen; emotions were running high as we prepared the various dishes for what would be a wonderful celebration dinner. All the participants had divided into teams, each one championing a course – everything from starters to a selection of desserts. The menu included a smorgasbord of South African flavours which ranged from spicy chicken, to bitter ‘African delicacies’, to sweet Koeksisters. Special mention needs to be made of the Indian influence from Naomi, Fatima and Nadine which provided us with delicious curry mains.
The evening was filled not only with delicious food, but with song and dance too. As tradition would have it, our group prepared some basic choreography to a German song (Von Allein) as well as some traditional African melodies, with Siyethemba taking the lead. Special words were shared and thank you’s extended to both the team and the program organisers. With the host families and various facilitators in attendance, we thoroughly enjoyed the evening and our last opportunity to embrace the German culture.
Guten Appetit!

(Louis van der Riet)














Roppelt Christian - acameo-GbR / © Universität Tübingen / Stand: 09.01.2013