Internationale Angelegenheiten



Tübingen South Africa Program 2013




The Castle of Hohenzollern

The day of the excursion arrived which was anticipated by all group members and not surprisingly it was our first excursion. For me, it was more extra-ordinary because it was my first time to be in or to see a castle and having to touch those strong amazing walls with my both hands. I only heard about buildings like the Castle of Hohenzollern and only saw them in movies, so by that I can assure anyone that it was a "dream come true" and a day that can never be forgotten.

In the bus to the castle everyone was enthusiastic about the place we were heading to and we got there with energy to start climbing to the top. The slippery route we took made the experience more fun and exciting. "Thank God" no one fell while walking on that ice but some of us almost did, nevertheless helping one another by holding hands made it easy for us to accomplish the mission of getting to the castle and it was more than fun. Just outside the castle when we were about to enter it, we all wanted to take a picture in front of a man portrait riding a horse or creature like a horse, it was beautiful and we fell in love with the castle right away. Although we were not allowed to take pictures with our cameras our minds still have most of the images of the castle constituents. The building even inside is tremendously structured and the words that came more often out of our mouths during the tour were "WOW" and "YOH"...

Other than the castle itself the brief history about it was even more interesting and it took my breath away. I might forget the other noble people mentioned but Friedrich William IV will never get out of my mind. The main reason is that the castle was built for him but eventually he died before it was finished, so whenever I think about it I feel sad but other than that he is one of the legends of Prussia still. Even though they say there are older buildings than the Castle of Hohenzollern in Germany, I still was much privileged to be inside a building with so much history. Unfortunately in South Africa we don´t have so many old buildings that we can visit and get to see things like this kind of building and the crown of the king made of gold and bronze; the dress the beautiful Queen wore and many other attractive royal objects...
After the inside tour of the castle the fun did not stop we still were happy and thanks to Philina for bringing the candles. Our walk down was much exciting and we sang songs and rejoiced after a unique experience. Honestly, I wish to go the castle again...and I'm sure others feel the same. If I were a writer, surely one of my books would be about the castle of Hohenzollern, but since I'm not a writer any picture that I took at the castle will tell a story of me in the incredible part of Germany (Baden Wurttemberg) with the incredible South African group.

And YES I am satisfied, not only satisfied but I concur with all those that say DEUTSCHLAND IST WUNDABAR UND SEHR SCHÖN!!!
Alles Gute! Dankeschön.

(Goodenough Bhengu)






Roppelt Christian - acameo-GbR / © Universität Tübingen / Stand: 09.01.2013