Internationale Angelegenheiten



Tübingen South Africa Program 2013


Visit Kärcher

The Kärcher company visit was really great to see. Since my arrival I have seen the tradition of the German nation work ethic: Discipline, Punctuality, Efficiency. It was what I had expected see from a German manufacturing company but even better, High tech equipment and optimum efficiency. With the rich family history, it remains a family business till today. Alfred Kärcher’s company inventions can be seen throughout the streets, used by road maintenance contracts, motor repair garages and households.
The company has a total of 2000 employees globally in all their operations. It was astonishing to hear, “in 2011 they were global market leaders generating a total of 1.8 bil € making it the company’s highest turnover in history”. I love operations and systems, to see human input assembling and building an industrial machine is amazing. The markings on the floor are a brilliant way to control and keep the “U” shape assembling chain.
The plastic manufacturing plant was the also great to see. The fact that they make most of the parts they use saves money and creates jobs. I got to see a crash test for the first time. The machines operate themselves, while the camera and computer analyse their performance.
We finally had lunch in the staff canteen and but before that we sang for the tour guide and her staff colleagues. Overall Kärcher visit was great and very interesting. I am very thankful to have been able to see how they work. I would visit the company again if I could.

(Victor Mofokeng)






















Roppelt Christian - acameo-GbR / © Universität Tübingen / Stand: 09.01.2013