Internationale Angelegenheiten



Tübingen South Africa Program 2013



Institute of Medical Virology


The visit to the institute of medical virology with Prof. Dr. med. Gerhard Jahn

23rd of January 2013 the day I’m writing about is a different day from the other exciting days we had before in this inspiring programme. It is extremely unique because it is not a day where we either danced or sang but it was an educational day meaning more information for us. As students we were grateful of the knowledge we acquired and hoped it would be useful in our academic life. The day started with history, epidemiology of viral disease and the tour in the virology diagnostic laboratory.
Unsurprising during Prof. Gerhard Jahn’s lecture I was fortunate enough to understand most of the things he talked about, so for me the lecture became even more special and enjoyable. Although it was short, by the end of it I had grasped a lot of new information about the history and epidemiology of viral disease. I was happy to ask questions and was satisfied with the progressive response from Prof. Gerhard Jahn.
The highlight of the day though was the lunch. It is without any doubt the best meal at an excursion since the beginning of our programme. Our stomachs were so full we hardly worked to the bus and it was impossible for most of us to enter the hole of the art work outside the medical virology department (for rebirth). How can I forget the wine served by the host which was an over whelming surprise as it was from South Africa. It went well down the throat with Mandoza (SA musician) playing on the background and the South African flag hanging. It was home in another continent, I will treasure the day in my German memories.

(Nkosikho Sogwagwa)



















Roppelt Christian - acameo-GbR / © Universität Tübingen / Stand: 09.01.2013