Internationale Angelegenheiten



Tübingen South Africa Program 2013

Trumpf Visit

Trumpf Company Visit

The Trumpf Company was one of the last companies we visited on our Tübingen South African Program. With most of the company visits, this one included a brief presentation and overview of the company, a demonstration of the machines, a tour of the production line and a lunch.
What differentiated this company from the rest was that we could experience first hand on how a real German company functions. With emphases being placed on lean production and lean management, we gained a lot more knowledge on how a company should function.
With awesome demonstrations in the show room on how the laser machines works, we as a group just gained a lot more respect for the words “Manufactured in Germany”.
The tour itself was divided into two groups, with each group having an experienced personal leading the group. What I admired the most is no matter what question we threw their way, they always gave us an informed answer that just let us into wanting more.
All in all the Trumpf Company Visit was one of the highlights of the company tours that we as a group had privilege of experiencing.

(Emil Reinertz)


Roppelt Christian - acameo-GbR / © Universität Tübingen / Stand: 09.01.2013