Internationale Angelegenheiten



Tübingen South Africa Program 2013




Trip to Ulm

Our trip to the famous city of Ulm was one filled with lots of pretty little snowflakes and a long bus ride! We first went to a very well-known regional newspaper – Südwestpresse - where we learnt about what goes into their newspaper, its readers, their school initiatives and the future of printed media. A lot of questions were asked about South African newspapers: How successful it is and how the youth responds to it. The discussions were interesting and fun because we could make out the differences and similarities between Germany's newspaper topics and South Africa's.
After an informative one and a half hours at Südwestpresse we made our way to the Ulmer Münster. WOW! What a stunning piece of Gothic Architecture! I really appreciated the beauty and the detail of both exterior and interior, and how cleverly this church was built, that when you stand in various places inside the church the windows let in multiple shades and colors of light. Then for the exciting part, we got to climb 70m of the notorious church tower, quite a 'dizzying' experience but we had a great view of the city. 392 steps later... we had time to explore Ulm individually. I saw the statue that now represents where Einstein's room was and (my favourite part) got to do some shopping!!

(Naomi Govender)












Roppelt Christian - acameo-GbR / © Universität Tübingen / Stand: 09.01.2013