Tübingen South Africa Program 2010


Report: "Africa in Germany" by Mandisa Sithole

The Germany’s heart melted
As Africa arrived with its sun.
The welcome, like nothing I’ve ever seen before.
God indeed had planned all this since
The bearers in my mind have now been demolished
I was now free to explore the world and its people.

As loud and free as South Africans are we fitted exactly as we should have here in Germany. The Germans watched, stared, and admired surely as they thought-this is just the glimpse of the 2010 World Cup. Germany with a culture and routines so different from that of Africa, I was amazed at such unity and co-operation. I know now that I want the same atmosphere for my son Samkelo. Yes, he is African and probably well aware of his surroundings such the warm weather, he’s loudness and that of his people and the interaction with his neighbours. I am glad that the TÜBINGEN SOUTH AFRICA PROGRAM gave his mother the opportunity to consider other possibilities in his best interest. Africans mingle a lot and laugh out loud in buses, taxes and trains, while Germans are more reserved and quiet. What is considered here in Germany as private and reserved for later, Africans find it usual to be expressed publicly and presently. As we settled in during the second week of our arrival I said wow to myself “snow all around me" I had been exposed to some little snow back home and loved one of my church songs titled " WASH ME WHITER THAN SNOW" but its only now that I am in Tübingen that the lyrics have true meaning and that NOTHING IS WHITER THAN SNOW. As an African who’s used to warm temperatures of South Africa, I just cannot find myself missing the sun yet and this puzzled me to the point that I thought I prefer the winters here than that of Africa because there the houses are not built according to cold temperatures but for hot temperatures.
I have never been free in my entire life than the way I do now, the Tübingen South Africa Program has given me exposure and experience and a chance to THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX as I have heard others say but did not understand. I will take back home with me many things from Germany and its people as they have given me their time, hospitality, energy, money, love and more to make my stay here more pleasant and more at home. I WILL PROUDLY SAY Germans are wonderful people who welcomed us with cheer and opened their doors for us. I will return home with knowledge no one can erase in my memory.
I hope to have an influence to South Africa and help it develop into a safe country for all, where individuals choose education above all and where diseases such as HIV/AIDS don’t hinder my brothers and sisters from exercising their full potentials and living their dreams. Everything here that I have experienced was made possible by the Tübingen/South African program which has been giving students like me chances to travel abroad and experience different cultures, people, and weather that is different from that of our own. I thank all the sponsors, organisers, the coordinators of this program and everyone who made it possible for us to be here and be short of NOTHING.

May the LORD IN HEAVEN POUR HIS BLESSINGS TO YOU so that you may continue your work with such love, care, patience and in humanity.



Thomas Bilda / © Universität Tübingen