Tübingen South Africa Program 2010


Art Workshop 2010

Report: "Art Workshop" by Hlengiwe Ndlovu

Art may be described as a medium of expression, which the artist uses as a vessel to unearth what lies within. The argument of whether a piece of art is artistic or not is subject to every individual's interpretation and preferences.

The arts workshop itself opened new avenues for us as South African students of appreciation and understanding of German art and the veterans who have shaped modern art. These artists used painting to tell the stories of their realities but also the fairytales in their fantasies as they envisioned a better tomorrow.

The telling of ones story and expressing ones emotions still remain as some of the fundamental building blocks of modern art.
Apart from all the theory about art and its interpretation, I thoroughly enjoyed having the opportunity to view originals of some of the world famous paintings by world renowned painters. It's not everyday that I come across an original Picasso painting. Also, it was a different and rewarding experience to have the chance to meet art as a way to express my self but also get acquainted with this medium when we got the chance to paint our own paintings. As Africans we tend to shy away from art and do not associate art with our way of life and do not think of it as a way of experiencing life through the eyes of an artist and as part and parcel of our heritage. Having the opportunity to walk in the shoes of artists as we painted, it began to shift our way of thinking and relating to art. All in all, as a group we all enjoyed viewing each others works and also getting a glimpse into each others thoughts.

The workshop was an eye opening experience. It definitely encouraged me to orientate myself around art more and it gave birth to a new appreciation for art and respect for the artists. I can definitely see myself exploring this new found interest further.

by Hlengiwe Ndlovu













Thomas Bilda / © Universität Tübingen