South Africa Program 2010
to the Castle of Hohenzollern
Report: "Castle
of Hohenzollern" by Nkanyiso Ntanda
The adventure began as we walked up the mountain on our way to the
castle. I believe some of us lost a couple of Kilograms on that
day, thanks to Tom and Ann-Kathrin for making us walk for twenty
minutes instead of taking a bus.
The castle is an adventure we'll never forget, we started by learning
about the history of the castle. We were enlightened about the two
family trees referred to as the blue and red line, the history of
which goes back to 1027. The castle is so clean to such an extend
that we had to wear sleepers as we walk from room to room. There
is a hall where public events are held, which is a venue that some
group members thought will be a wonderful place for a wedding.
The castle had been constructed and destroyed two times. The third
castle was constructed by the King who unfortunately died before
inauguration in 1867. There is a private room which has pictures
of the history of the blue line. The most precious thing we saw
was the King's crown which has a weight of approximately two kilograms
and is made of gold.
It was a great experience seeing the weapons that were used to fight
and learning about the Queen who died at the age of thirty four
with ten children, Wow.
The greatest part was when we walked down the mountain with our
touches on and singing our African songs, I believe we entertained
a number of Germans.
I would like to thank everyone who made this trip possible for us,
from the sponsors to the city and University of Tübingen it's greatly
appreciated. . I believe justice will not be served if I don't congratulate
the team of 2010 Barbara, Tom and Philina thank you for making us
feel at home while we're away from home.
by Nkanyiso Ntanda

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