Tübingen-South Africa Program 2003

Participants 2001

Twenty students from 16 different universities and technikons throughouht South Africa participated in the Tübingen 2001 programme. Five of these students were selected by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) from institutions which DAAD had chosen. Selection of the other 11 students was done by their institution, with eventual regional consortial approval. Emphasis was placed on selecting a group that would adequately and accurately represent the cultural diversity of South African higher education.
These are the students who participated in 2001:

Lulu Bayi, Technikon Natal
Taryn Bern, University of Cape Town 

Zakhele Buthelezi, Mangosuthu Technikon

Aneen De Jay, Stellenbosch University 

Mxolisi Dlamuka, University of Durban-Westv.

Agnes Ernest, University of Zululand

Nosipho Hlongwane, University of Zululand

Reshoketswe Kekana, University of the North

Janice Le Roux, Univ. of the Western Cape

Loki Manise, Cape Technikon

Simonia Magardie, Technikon Pretoria

Zinnie Mbambo, Mangosuthu Technikon

Xolani Mlipha, Technikon Pretoria

Sipho Mpiyakhe, Rand Afrikaans University

Nadia Naude, University of Pretoria

Hulisani Ramantswana, Potchefstroom Univ.

Ningi Shabangu, ML Sultan Technikon

Vicky-Jean Van Rensburg, Rhodes University

Antionette Vorster, University of Natal

Carl Webster, University of Durban-Westville

[Participants 2000]        [Participants 2002]

[Participants 2003]


stephan_anders@web.de / ©Universität Tübingen