Tübingen- South Africa Program 2003

Stellenbosch, 24.03.03


Tuebingen South Africa Programme
2000 2001 2002 2003

Dear students and guests,

We are very pleased to invite you to our first reunion of the Tuebingen South Africa Programme. Stellenbosch University will host the reunion on 29 & 30 March 2003.


Saturday, 29 March 2003

9.00 – 9.30
Arrival and payment of stipends
Room 1028, J.H. Neethling Building, Victoria Street
Refreshments will be served

Official welcome by

Robert Kotzé, Stellenbosch University
Axel Markert, University of Tuebingen
Barbara Owen, University of Tuebingen
Silvia Kunze-Ritter, University of Tuebingen
Dr. John Butler-Adam, esATI, Durban
Katrin Krüger, DAAD
Erika Dierks, Cultural Attaché, German Consulate Cape Town

Binnehof, J.H. Neethling Building, Victoria Street

Excursion to Neethlingshof
Wine Tasting J

Dinner: Spit Braai, Paul Roos Klubhuis, Koch Street
(Bus leaves from Monica Residence, Neethlingstreet at 18h45)
Presentations by participants
Dance & Fun!
(Bus leaves at 00:15 for Monica Residence)
Sunday, 30th March 2003

Meet at Room 1028, J.H.Neethling Building, Victoria Street

Prof. Dr. Neville Alexander, University of Cape Town
Dr. Rolf Annas, Stellenbosch University

Binnehof of J.H.Neethling Building, Victoria Street

Good-byes & Departure

For all further details please contact Marion Schmidt (marionschmidt@gmx.net) currently at Stellenbosch University, International Office, Private Bag X1, 7602 Matieland, Tel: 021 808 4628 / Cell: 073 2213681.

We are so much looking forward to seeing you all in Stellenbosch!

Kind regards,
Barbara Owen, University of Tuebingen
Marion Schmidt, University of Tuebingen

On behalf of all the participants, guests and organisers, we would like to thank our main sponsors DAAD and Daimler Chrysler for enabling our first Alumni-meeting. Furthermore, a special thanks to the International Office of Stellenbosch University for hosting this event and for their great support in organising, as well as their monetary contribution.

www.daad.com www.daimlerchrysler.de



Excursion to Neethlingshof


Dinner and Presentations


Campus Tour


Good-byes and Departure


Ingo Meißner / ©Universität Tübingen