Geochemie des Mantels |
central objective of this lecture in a deeper understanding of mantle
interaction. Topics include: history of ocean basins, formation of MORBs
and OIB's, mantle geochemistry,
mantle heterogeneity; slab recycling, mantle models (e.g. layered
convection model) and mantle reservoirs (e.g. various types of depleted
and enriched mantle sources). Lecture notes (pdf-files): Mantle_1 Introduction; The oceans Mantle_2 Plate tectonics, mid-ocean ridge systems, Earth's magnetic polarity Mantle_3 Ridge morphology, mid-ocean ridge magma chamber models, transform faults Mantle_4 Hydrothermal circulation at mid-ocean ridges, Composition of the oceanic crust Mantle_5 Rocks from the oceanic crust, mechanism of crystal fractionation, origin of layering, mantle composition, high-pressure phase transitions in the mantle Mantle_6 Processes of magma formation in the mantle, basalt types Mantle_7 Basalt tetrahedron, phase diagrams, formation of alkali basalts and tholeiites (i.e. origin of basalt magmas) Mantle_8 Major and trace element chemistry of MORBs Mantle_9 Trace element chemistry of MORBs; production of MORBs and processes beneath mid-ocean ridges Mantle_10 Isotope geochemistry of MORBs; MORB petrogenesis and conclusions; Ocean intraplate volcanism, hot spot tracks across the oceans Mantle_11 Types of OIB magmas; the Hawaian scenario; trace element geochemistry of OIB's Mantle_12 Noble gas geochemistry Mantle_13 Isotopes as traces in mantle geochemistry, mantle reservoirs, the isotope geology of Pb Mantle_14 Geodynamic models for the Earth mantle; Literature