================================================== A quick and dirty introduction to the YWeb utility ================================================== 1. download the complete package "yweb.jar" 2. make sure JAVA 2 is properly installed on you system 3. download the "samples.tar.gz" and unpack the files 4. launch the program via "java -jar yweb.jar pr.ywp" (this loads the pr data set on startup) 5. choose "YWeb/Mapping Mode/Internal/Full Organic" for a complete view of the structure data with a force-driven layout. 6. feel free to play with the other layout styles provided under the "Tools/Layout" menu. -------------------------------------- Logical Domain Structure Visualization -------------------------------------- 1. choose "YWeb/Mapping Mode/Logical Domains" from the Menu. 2. experiment with the "cluster" and "configure" parameters in the Logical domain dialog. 3. use the "export" button to create an ready-to-deploy sitemap of this type. ------------------------------- Popular User Path Visualization ------------------------------- 1. choose "YWeb/Mapping Mode/Popular Userpaths" from the Menu. 2. experiment with the "rebuild" and "configure" options as well as the "visibility nodes" slider in the Popular Userpath dialog. Also click on the single nodes in the layout to explore their properties. 3. use the "export" button to create an ready-to-deploy sitemap of this type. --------------------------- Importing your own Web data --------------------------- Two tools are provided to facilitate the gathering of relevant data for the mapping process. 1. YWEBCRAWLER is a simple Web crawler that explores a site BFS-like and extracts various node properties. It can also query google's link data base for external in-links to these pages. It can be started via "java -cp yweb.jar ywebcrawler.YWebCrawler". The setup dialog is self explanatory. The crawler produces a site structure graph (SSG) XML file that can be imported into the YWeb site mapping application. 2. YWEBLOG is a log analysis tool that reconstructs user paths using various heuristics. It can be started via "java -cp yweb.jar yweblog.YWebLog". The tool accepts various log files in the Apache Common Log File format. Please note that it is essential for path reconstruction that referrers are recorded in your www access log. YWeblog produces a site usage graph (SUG) XML file that can be imported into the YWeb site mapping application. -------------- Further Notice -------------- This software package is part of a research effort at the University of Tuebingen Parallel Computing Group's graph visualization team. Please see www-pr.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/yWeb/ for more information. You can also obtain sample files and the full thesis text that includes an in-depth description of the system at this location. For further comments and enquiries please contact B. Diebold: diebold@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de or the Y Project Group: ypg@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de. ---------------- Copyright Notice ---------------- THE Y PROJECT GROUP MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT THE SUITABILITY OF THE SOFTWARE, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. THE Y PROJECT GROUP SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS DERIVATIVES. Developed by Y Project Group 2000/2001 Sand 13, 72076 Tuebingen, Germany All rights reserved.