Papers in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
Beuzen-Waller T., Desruelles S., Marrast A., Giraud J., Gernez G., Forman S.L., Beskhani A., Bonilauri S., Lemée M., Naccaro H., Fouache E., 2022, Late Pleistocene-Holocene fluvial records of the Wadi Dishshah: hydro-climatic and archaeological implications (Southern piedmont of the Hajar Mountains, Oman), Géomorphologie: processus, relief et environnement : 28 (4)
Beuzen-Wallet T., Stephan P., Pavlopoulos K., Desruelles S., Marrast A., Puaud S., Giraud J., Fouache E., 2019, Geoarchaeological investigation of the Quriyat coastal plain (Oman), Quaternary International, vol. 532, p. 98-115
Beuzen-Waller T., Stock F., Kondo Y., 2018, Geoarchaeology: a toolbox for revealing latent data in sedimentological and archaeological records, Quaternary International, 483, 1-4
Beshkani A., Beuzen-Waller T., Bonilauri S., Gernez G., 2017, Large Kombewa flake production in north Oman, Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, vol. 28, p. 125-137
Beshkani A., Beuzen-Waller T., Bonilauri S., Gernez G., 2017, The First Evidence of Nubian Technique in the Adam Region, Oman, Antiquity Project Gallery, vol. 91, n°356
Desruelles S., Fouache E., Eddargach W., Cammas C., Beuzen-Waller T., Martin C., Tengberg M., Cable C., Thornton C., Murray A., 2016, Evidence of early irrigation at Bat (Wadi Sharsah, northwestern Oman) before the advent of farming villages, Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 150, p. 42-54
Papers in Proceedings with Peer-Reviewed
Castel C., Barge O., Besnard B., Beuzen-Waller T., Brochier J. E., Darras L., Régagnon E., Sanz S., 2020, First discoveries at Bat/ al-Arid mission (Oman), Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, submitted
Beuzen-Waller T., Giraud J., Gernez G., Courault R., Kondo Y., Cable M.C., Thronton C., 2018, The Advent of the proto-oasian territories in the piedmonts of the Hajar Mountains, Actes de colloque des XVIIIe rencontres internationales d’Archéologie et d’Histoire d’Antibes, p. 179-205
Rohmer J., Al-Jallad A., Al-Hajiri M., Alkontar R. A., Beuzen-Waller T., Calou P., Gazagne D., Pavlopoulos K., 2017, The Thaj archaeological project: results of the first field season, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, vol.48, 287–302
Bonilauri S., Beuzen-Waller T., Giraud J., Lemée M., Gernez G. & Fouache E., 2015, Occupation during the Lower and Middle/Late Palaeolithic period in the Sufrat Valley (Sultanate of Oman), Proceedings of the Seminar of Arabian Studies, 45, p. 1-14
Kondo Y., Beuzen-Waller T., Miki T., Noguchi A., Desruelles S., Fouache E., 2014, Geoarchaeological survey in the Wadi al-Kabir basin, Wilayat Ibri, Oman: preliminary report, Supplement to the proceeding of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 44, p. 1-8
Lemée M., Gernez G., Giraud J., Beuzen-Waller T., Fouache E., 2013, Jabal al-Aluya: an inland Neolithic settlement of the late fifth millennium BC in the Ādam area, Sultanate of Oman, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 43, p. 197-212
Book Chapters
Beuzen-Waller T., Gernez G., Giraud J., Desruelles S., Marrast A., Bonilauri S., Beshkani A., Lemée M., Guery J., Hautefort R., Fouache E., Occupations humaines et dynamiques environnementales du Paléolithique à l’Âge du Bronze, région d’Adam, Sultanat d’Oman, Conséquences régionales de la variation du signal hydro-climatique sur le long terme, « Territoires, Environnement et Sociétés », Presses de l’Université Paris-Sorbonne, en cours
Beuzen-Waller T., Gernez G., 2017, Geoarchaeological investigations in the Adam region: a regional study of past human-environment interaction, dans “At the margins of the desert, Adam oasis and prehistory of Oman” Gernez G. et Giraud J. (éd) , The archaeological Heritage of Oman, Ministry of Culture and Heritage, vol. 3
Bonilauri S., Beuzen-Waller T., Gernez G., Palaeolithic period in the Sufrat Valley: the first inhabitants of Adam, dans “At the margins of the desert, Adam oasis and prehistory of Oman” Gernez G. et Giraud J. (éd), The archaeological Heritage of Oman, Ministry of Culture and Heritage, vol. 3
Lemée M., Gernez G., Giraud J., Beuzen-Waller T., 2017, Neolithic sites near Jabal Salakh, , dans “At the margins of the desert, Adam oasis and prehistory of Oman” Gernez G. et Giraud J. (éd) , The archaeological Heritage of Oman, Ministry of Culture and Heritage, vol. 3
Desruelles S., Fouache E., Beuzen-Waller T., Eddargach W., Cammas C., Wattez J., Martin C., Tengberg M., 2016, The archaeological site of Bat in its environment, dans “The Bronze Age Towers at Bat, Sultanate of Oman: Research by the Bat Archaeological Project”, 2007-2012, Thorthon C.and Cable C. (éd), Penn Museum Press