Geologischer Kontext
Böhme, M., Aiglstorfer, M., Antoine, P-O., Appel, E., Havlik, P., Métais, G., Laq The Phuc, Schneider, S., Setzer, F., Tappert, R., Dang Ngoc Tran, Uhl, D., Prieto, J. (2013): Na Duong (northern Vietnam) - an exceptional window into Eocene ecosystems from Southeast Asia. - Zitteliana A 53: 120-167.
Böhme, M., Prieto, J., Schneider, S., Nguyen Viet Hung, Do Duc Quang, Dang Ngoc Tran (2011): The Cenozoic on-shore basins of Northern Vietnam: Biostratigraphy, vertebrate and invertebrate faunas. - Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 40(2): 672-687.