Dr. Christine Thiel
Leibniz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik
Stilleweg 2
30655 Hannover
Tel.: +49(0)511-64-32-808
E-Mail: christine.thiel(at)liag-hannover.de
Consulting hours:
By arrangement
Main Research Interests:
- Geochronology/Luminescence Dating: Methodological developments, TT-OSL, post-IR IRSL, feldspar single grain dating, applications to different environments
- Loess and Palaeosols: Middle Pleistocene loess in Austria, Hungary, and China
- Basal Ice: Dating basal ice from Greenland using luminescence techniques (Camp Century, NEEM)
- Geomorphology and Sedimentology: Coastal development/marine terraces (Tunisia, Sardinia, Japan), dune systems (Sardinia, Greenland)
- Quaternary and Tertiary Palaeoenviroments: Proxy studies (stable isotopes, lipid biomarkers, high-resolution grain size records, plant macro fossils)
01/2008 - 01/2011 | Doctorate Studies (Dr. rer. nat.) |
10/2002 - 11/2007 | Studies in Geography, Geology, and Botany (Dipl.-Geogr.) Institute for Geography, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, and Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia Thesis: Vergleichende flächenhafte Modellierungen von Rutschungsempfindlichkeiten der pleistozänen Sedimente an der Steilküste Jasmunds (Rügen/ Deutschland) Grade: high distinction (1.0) |
Work Experience:
since 09/2011 | DFG Post-doc Fellow Nordic Laboratory for Luminescence Dating, Aarhus University, and Centre for Nuclear Technologies, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Risø Campus, Denmark Project TH 1651/1-1: Dating the Initiation of Polar Ice Sheet Formation |
since 10/2009 | Visiting Lecturer Institute of Geography, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen |
11/2008 - 05/2009 | Visiting Scientist Nordic Laboratory for Luminescence Dating, Aarhus University, Denmark |
01/2008 - 12/2010 | Researcher Section S3: Geochronology and Isotope Hydrology, Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG), Hannover |
SS 2012 | Training Course in Luminescence Dating (NCLR, Demark) Seminar and Laboratory Course, International Scientists |
WS 2011/12 | Reconstructing Quaternary Environments (Uni. Tübingen) Seminar, Master level |
SS 2011 | Training Course in Luminescence Dating (NCLR, Demark) Seminar and Laboratory Course, International Scientists |
WS 2010/11 | Loess as Palaeoenvironmental Archive (Uni. Tübingen) Seminar, Master level |
WS 2009/10 | Quaternary Dating Techniques (Uni. Tübingen) Seminar, Diploma and Bachelor level |
WS 2008/09 | Introduction to soil and sedimentary analyses (FU Berlin) |
Awards & Scholarships:
12/2011 | Hans-Martini Young Scientist Award Hans-Martini Foundation; 1,500 € |
09/2011 | DFG-Post-doc-Scholarship 24 months funding, ~60,000 € |
03/2005 | Baden-Württemberg - South Australia Scholarship Tuition fee to study at Flinders University, Australia, ~5000 € |
06/2000 | Award for outstanding performance in Chemistry class Fund of the German Chemical Industry, book price ~150 € |
Scientific Collaborations:
- Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Hannover
Dr Andreas Günther, Dr Paul Königer, Dr Christian Ostertag-Henning - Geological Survey Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Güstrow
Dr Karsten Obst, Dipl.-Geol. Karsten Schütze - Institute for Physical Geography, Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg
Prof. Dr Birgit Terhorst, Dipl.-Geogr. Tobias Sprafke - Institute for Physical Geography, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Prof. Dr Erzsebét Horváth, Dr Ágnes Novothny - Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics, Hannover
Prof. Dr Manfred Frechen, Dr Sumiko Tsukamoto - Niels Bohr Institute, Centre for Ice and Climate, Copenhagen University, Denmark
Dr Trevor J. Popp, Dr Astrid Schmidt, Dr Jørgen Peder Steffensen - Quaternary Research Group, Dept of Environmental, Social and Spatial Change, Roskilde University, Denmark
Dr Stephanie Flude
Buylaert, J.P., Murray, A.S., Gebhardt, C., Sohbati, R., Ohlendorf, C., Thiel, C., Zolitschka, B., submitted. Luminescence dating of the PASADO 5022-1D core using IRSL signals from feldspar. Quaternary Science Reviews.
Sprafke, T., Terhorst, B., Peticzka, R., Thiel, C., submitted. Paudorf revisited: New conclusions from the locus typicus based on paleopedological and sedimentological investigations. Quaternary Science Journal (E&G).
In press/accepted
Homolova, D., Terhorst, B., Frank, C., Thiel, C., in press. Late Pleniglacial palaeoenvironmental conditions in the northeastern Leitha Mountains derived from sedimentological and malacological analyses of alluvial loess deposits (Breitenbrunn, Northern Burgenland). Annals of Geomorphology.
Koeniger, P., Barta, G., Thiel, C., Bajnóczi, B., Novothny, Á., Horváth, E., Techmer, A., Frechen, M., in press. Stable isotope composition of bulk and secondary carbonates from the Quaternary loess-paleosol sequence in Süttő, Hungary. Quaternary International; doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2012.06.038.
Tsukamoto, S., Jain, M., Murray, A., Thiel, C., Schmidt, E., Wacha, L., Dohrmann, R., Frechen, M., in press. A comparative study of the luminescence characteristics of polymineral fine grains and coarse-grained K-, and Na-rich feldspars. Radiation Measurements; doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2012.02.017.
Thiel, C., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A.S., Elmejdoub, N., 2012. A comparison of TT-OSL and post-IR IRSL dating of coastal deposits on Cap Bon peninsula, north-eastern Tunisia. Quaternary Geochronology 10, 209-217.
Thiel, C., Klotz, S., Uhl, D., 2012. Palaeoclimate estimates for selected leaf floras from the Late Pliocene (Reuverian) of Central Europe based on different palaeobotanical techniques. Turkish Journal of Earth Science 21, 263-287.
Buylaert J.-P., Jain, M., Murray, A.S., Thomsen, K.J., Thiel, C., Sohbati, R., 2012. A robust feldspar luminescence dating method for Middle and Late Pleistocene sediments. Boreas 41, 435-451.
Thiel, C., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A.S., Terhorst, B., Hofer, I., Tsukamoto, S., Frechen, M., 2011. Luminescence dating of the Stratzing loess profile (Austria) - Testing the potential of an elevated temperature post-IR IRSL protocol. Quaternary International 234, 23-31.
Thiel, C., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A.S., Terhorst, B., Tsukamoto, S., Frechen, M., Sprafke, T., 2011. Investigating the chronostratigraphy of prominent palaeosols in Lower Austria using post-IR IRSL dating. Quaternary Science Journal (E&G) 60 (1), 137-152.
Thiel, C., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A.S., Tsukamoto, S., 2011. On the applicability of post-IR IRSL dating to Japanese loess. Geochronometria 38, 369-378.
Thiel, C., Terhorst, B., Jaburová, I., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A.S., Fladerer, F.A., Damm, B., Frechen, M., Ottner, F., 2011. Sedimentation and erosion processes in Middle to Late Pleistocene sequences exposed in the brickyard of Langenlois/Lower Austria. Geomorphology 135, 295-307.
Buylaert, J.-P., Thiel, C., Murray, A.S., Vandenberghe, D.A.G., Yi, S., Lu, H., 2011. IRSL and post-IR IRSL residual doses recorded in modern dust samples from the Chinese Loess Plateau. Geochronometria 38, 432-440.
Frank, C., Terhorst, B., Damm, B., Thiel, C., Frechen, M., Peticzka, R., 2011. Pleistocene Loess deposits and mollusk assemblages in the Eastern Pre-Alps. Quaternary Science Journal (E&G) 60 (1), 126-136.
Terhorst, B., Thiel, C., Peticzka, R., Sprafke, T., Frechen, M., Fladerer, F.A., Roetzel, R., Neugebauer-Maresch, C., 2011. Casting new light on the chronology of the loess/paleosol sequences in Lower Austria. Quaternary Science Journal (E&G), 60 (2-3), 270-277.
Thiel, C., Coltorti, M., Tsukamoto, S., Frechen, M., 2010. Geochronology for some key sites along the coast of Sardinia (Italy). Quaternary International 222, 36-47.
prior to 2010
Günther, A., Thiel, C., 2009. Combined rock slope stability and landslide susceptibility assessment of the Jasmund cliff area (Rugen Island, Germany). Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 9, 687-698.
Uhl, D., Klotz, S., Traiser, C., Thiel, C., Utescher, T., Kowalski, E., Dilcher, D.L., 2007. Cenozoic paleotemperatures and leaf physiognomy - A European Perspective. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 248, 24-31.
Other publications
Thiel, C., 2011. On the applicability of post-IR IRSL dating to different environments. PhD Thesis, FU Berlin, 186 pp. (http://www.diss.fu-berlin.de).
Günther, A., Obst, K., Schütze, K., Thiel, C., 2010. Erläuterungen zur Gefahrenhinweiskarte für gravitative Massenbewegungen am Steilufer von Jasmund (Rügen) 1:10000. Interner Bericht der BGR und des LUNG Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, 30 pp.
Thiel, C., 2007. Vergleichende flächenhafte Modellierungen von Rutschungs-empfindlichkeiten der pleistozänen Sedimente an der Steilküste Jasmunds (Rügen/Deutschland). Diploma Thesis, Institute of Geography, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, 127 pp. (unpubl.).
Conference contributions
Thiel, C., Murray, A.S., Buylaert, J.-P., 2012. Recent developments in luminescence dating techniques to establish Quaternary chronologies for a variety of environments. 30th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, 09.-12.01.2012; Reykjavík, Iceland.
Buylaert, J.-P., Thiel, C., Murray, A.S., Jain, M., Thomsen, K.J., Sohbati, R., 2012. Extending the luminescence dating age range using feldspar. EGU General Assembly, 22.-27.04.2012; Vienna, Austria.
Thiel, C., Murray, A.S., Buylaert, J.-P., Thomsen, K.J., Schmidt, A.M.Z., Steffensen, J.P., 2011. Dating the formation of the Greenland ice sheet using luminescence. German Meeting on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (German LED11), 4.-6.11.2011; Köln, Germany.
Sprafke, T., Terhorst, B., Peticzka, R., Ottner, F., Thiel, C., 2011. Die Löss-Paläobodensequenz Paudorf - ein Archiv quartärer Umweltveränderungen in der Lössregion Niederösterreich. Jahrestagung AK Geomorphologie, 28.09.-01.10.2011; Leipzig, Germany.
Terhorst, B., Thiel, C., Frechen, M., 2011. Neue Datierungsergebnisse aus Löss-Paläobden-Sequenzen in Niederösterreich. Jahrestagung AK Geomorphologie, 28.09.- 01.10.2011; Leipzig, Germany.
Sprafke, T., Terhorst, B., Peticzka, R., Ottner, F., Thiel, C., 2011. The loess/paleosol sequence Paudorf - An archive of Quaternary environmental changes in the loess area of Lower Austria. International Palaeopedology and Soil Geography Conference (IUSS), 28.07.-01.08.2011; Hohenheim, Germany.
Thiel, C., Murray, A.S., Buylaert, J.-P., Schmidt, A., Steffensen, J. P., Willerslev E., 2011. The potential of luminescence dating for age determination of ancient DNA extracted from silty ice. XVIII. INQUA Congress, 21.-27.07.2011; Bern, Switzerland.
Thiel, C., Terhorst B., Frechen, M., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A.S., 2011. New chronostratigraphic results for Lower Austrian loess/palaeosol sequences. XVIII. INQUA Congress, 21.-27.07.2011; Bern, Switzerland.
Sprafke, T., Terhorst, B., Peticzka, R., Ottner, F., Thiel, C., 2011. The loess/paleosol sequence Paudorf - An archive of Quaternary environmental changes in the loess area of Lower Austria. XVIII. INQUA Congress, 21.-27.07.2011; Bern, Switzerland.
Thiel, C., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray A.S., Elmejdoub, N., 2011. Establishing the chronology of marine terraces on the Cap Bon peninsula, N-E Tunisia using TT-OSL and post-IR IRSL. 13th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (LED2011), 10.-14.07.2011; Toruń, Poland.
Tsukamoto, S., Jain, M., Murray, A.S., Thiel, C., Schmidt, E.D., Wacha, L., Frechen, M., 2011. A comparative study of the luminescence characteristics of polymineral fine grains and coarse grained K-, Na- and Ca-rich feldspars. 13th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (LED2011), 10.-14.07.2011; Toruń, Poland.
Buylaert, J.P., Murray, A.S., Jain, M., Thomsen, K.J., Thiel, C., 2011. Review on feldspar dating. Workshop Lecture, 13th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (LED2011), 10.-14.07.2011; Toruń, Poland.
Sprafke, T., Terhorst, B., Peticzka, R., Ottner, F., Thiel, C., 2011. The loess/paleosol sequence Paudorf . An archive of Quaternary environmental changes in the loess area of Lower Austria. Closing the Gap - North Carpathian loess traverse in the Eurasian loess belt, Loess workshop, 16.-21.05.2011; Wrocław, Poland.
Terhorst, B., Thiel, C., Frechen, M., 2011. New Luminescence results for Lower Austrian loess/palaeosol sequences. Closing the Gap - North Carpathian loess traverse in the Eurasian loess belt, Loess workshop, 16.-21.05.2011; Wrocław, Poland.
Thiel, C., Horváth, E., Frechen, M., Tsukamoto, S., 2010. Luminescence chronology and high-resolution grain size data for the loess section of Paks (Hungary). International Workshop on Loess Research and Geomorphology, 17.-21.10.2010; Pécs, Hungary.
Novothny, Á., Horváth, E., Frechen, M., Thiel, C., Wacha, L., Rolf, C., 2010. Complex investigations of the penultimate and last glacial cycles of the Süttő loess section (Hungary). International Workshop on Loess Research and Geomorphology, 17.-21.10.2010; Pécs, Hungary.
Novothny, Á., Horváth, E., Frechen, M., Koeniger, P., Thiel, C., Wacha, L., Rolf, C., Krolopp, E., Barta, G., Bajnóczi, B., 2010. Detailed chronological and high resolution grain size, geochemical and palaeomagnetic study of the Süttő loess-palaeosol sequence, Hungary. XIX Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association, 23.-26.09.2010; Thessaloniki, Greece.
Thiel, C., Terhorst, B., Frechen, M., 2010. Chronostratigraphy of Lower Austrian loess/palaeosol sequences. 35th DEUQUA-Conference, 13.-17.09.2010; Greifswald,Germany.
Thiel, C., Günther, A., Schütze, K., Obst, K., 2010. Geomorphological mapping as prerequisite for landslide susceptibility modelling of Pleistocene sediments along thecoast of Jasmund/Rügen. 35th DEUQUA-Conference, 13.-17.09.2010; Greifswald, Germany.
Günther, A., Thiel, C., 2010. An approach to assess the rock slope stability and shallow landslide susceptibility of the Jasmund cliff area (Rügen Island, Germany). 35th DEUQUA-Conference, 13.-17.09.2010; Greifswald, Germany.
Thiel, C., Murray, A. S., Buylaert, J.-P., Schmidt, A., Steffensen, J. P., Willerslev, E., 2010. The dose rate to individual sand grains of feldspar embedded in ice. UK Meeting on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating, 08.-10.09.2010; Oxford, England.
Thiel, C., Koeniger, P., Ostertag-Henning, C., Scheeder, G., Novothny, Á., Horváth, E., Wacha, L., Techmer, A., Frechen, M., 2010. Multi-proxy approach for palaeoclimate reconstruction using a loess-palaeosol sequence from Süttő, Hungary. EGU General Assembly, 02.-07.05.2010; Vienna, Austria.
Thiel, C., Terhorst, B., Jaburova, I., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A., Frechen, M., 2010. Landscape evolution in Lower Austria: Geodynamic processes comprised in time based on luminescence dating of loess. EGU General Assembly, 02.-07.05.2010; Vienna, Austria.
Hofer, I., Thiel, C., Terhorst, B., Jaburová, I., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A., Frechen, M., 2010. The story of landscape evolution in Lower Austria told by sedimentological analysis and luminescence dating. EGU General Assembly, 02.-07.05.2010; Vienna, Austria.
Thiel, C., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A., Tsukamoto, S., 2010. On the applicability of post-IR IRSL dating to Japanese loess. 10th International Conference on Methods of Absolute Chronology, 22.-25.04. 2010; Gliwice, Poland.
Koeniger, P., Wacha, L., Thiel, C., Ostertag-Henning C., Scheeder, G., Novothny, Á., Bajnóczi, B., Horváth, E., Techmer, A., Frechen, M., 2010. Evaluation of bulk carbonate stable isotope composition from the Süttő loess sequence (Hungary) - What can we interpret with an existing chronology? 10th International Conference on Methods of Absolute Chronology, 22.-25.04. 2010; Gliwice, Poland.
Thiel, C., Murray, A. S., Buylaert, J.-P., Schmidt Grene, A., Willerslev, E., Steffensen, J. P., Jain, M., Frechen, M., 2009. Dating the Arctic Ice Cap: an elevated temperature post-IR IRSL protocol applied to ice-embedded single grains of feldspar. German Meeting on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (German LED08), 9.-11.10.2009; Hannover, Germany.
Jahnke, W., Rebens, M., Thiel, C., Tsukamoto, S., Frechen, M., Wagner, B., 2009. Lumineszenz-Datierung an Lössen im Göttinger Raum. German Meeting on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (German LED09), 9.-11.10.2009; Hannover, Germany.
Thiel, C., Klotz, S., Uhl, D., 2009. Palaeotemperature estimates for selected leaf floras from the Middle Pliocene of Central Europe based on different techniques. NECLIME Annual Meeting, 28.09.-1.10.2009; Izmir, Turkey.
Coltorti, M., Frechen, M., Thiel, C., Tsukamoto, S., 2009. Controversial dating of Late-Middle Pleistocene key deposits of Sardinia. 27th IAS Meeting of Sedimentologists, 20.-23.09.2009; Alghero, Italy.
Thiel, C., Ostertag-Henning, C., Riss, W., Straus, H., 2009. The ageing of an unusual lake system seen through geochemical glasses. 24th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG), 06.-11.09.2009; Bremen, Germany.
Thiel, C., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A. S., Terhorst, B., Tsukamoto, S., Frechen, M.,
2009. Beyond the Eemian: The application of an enhanced elevated temperature infrared stimulated luminescence measurement protocol for Late and Middle Pleistocene Danube loess. Loessfest, 31.08.-03.09.2009, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Thiel, C., Murray, A. S., Buylaert, J.-P., Schmidt Grene, A., Willerslev, E., Steffensen, J. P., Jain, M., Frechen, M., 2009. Dating the Arctic Ice Cap: an elevated temperature post-IR IRSL protocol applied to ice-embedded single grains of feldspar. UK Meeting on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating, 26.-28.08.2009; London, England.
Thiel, C., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A. S., Elmejdoub, N., 2009. Optically stimulated luminescence dating of Middle to Late Pleistocene marine terraces on the Cap Bon peninsula, N-E Tunisia. UK Meeting on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating, 26-28.08.2009; London, England.
Thomsen, K. J., Murray, A. S., Thiel, C., Derese, C., Jain, M., 2009. Progress towards a non-fading luminescence signal from feldspar. UK Meeting on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating, 26.-28.08.2009; London, England.
Thiel, C., Terhorst, B., Hofer, I., Jaburova, I., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A. S., Frechen, M., 2009. New insights into landscape evolution of Lower Austria based on luminescence dating of loess. 7th International Conference on Geomorphology (ANZIAG), 06.-11.07.2009; Melbourne, Australia.
Thiel, C., Frechen, M., 2009. Aktuelle Fortschritte aus dem Bereich Lumineszenzdatierung und die Bedeutung dessen fur die Paläopedologie und Quartärforschung. 28th Annual Meeting of the Working Group Palaeopedology of the German Soil Science Association, 21.-23.05.2009, Vienna, Austria.
Thiel, C., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A. S., Tsukamoto, S., Jain, M., Frechen, M., 2009. Dating loess with high temperature IRSL signals from polymineral fine grains - Luminescence characteristics and comparison with conventional techniques. EGU General Assembly, 19.-24.04.2009; Vienna, Austria.
Thiel, C., Hofer, I., Jaburová, I., Terhorst, B., Buylaert, J.-P., Murray, A. S., Tsukamoto, S., Frechen, M., 2009. Luminescence Dating of the Stratzing Loess Profile (Austria) - New Insights into Landscape Evolution. EGU General Assembly, 19.-24.04.2009; Vienna, Austria.
Thiel, C., Tsukamoto, S., Coltorti, M., Melis, E., Patta, D., Frechen, M., 2008. Radiometric dating of the San Giovanni di Sinis section (western Sardinia, Italy). German Meeting on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (German LED08), 31.10.-02.11.2008; Leipzig, Germany.
Thiel, C., Coltorti, M., Melis, E., Patta, D., Tsukamoto, S., Frechen, M., 2008. New Dating of Late Pleistocene and Holocene Deposits in Sardinia (Italy): Consequences for Coastal Dynamics, Sea Level Change and Neotectonics. 12th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (LED08), 18.-22.09.2008; Beijing, China.
Thiel, C., Coltorti, M., Melis, E., Patta, D., Tsukamoto, S., Frechen, M., 2008. A higher sea level during the Holocene in Sardinia? - New findings based on 14C and OSL dating. 34th DEUQUA-Conference, 31.08.-06.09.2008; Vienna, Austria.
Thiel, C., Günther, A., Schütze, K., Lange, C., Bibus, E., 2007. Results of geomorphological mapping and landslide susceptibility modelling of Pleistocene sediments along the coast of Jasmund/Rügen. GeoPomerania, 24.-26.09.2007; Stettin, Poland.
Günther, A., Thiel, C., Lange, C., Schütze, K., Kuhn, D., Obst, K., Balzer, D., 2007. An integrated approach to assess slope stability and landslide susceptibility of the Jasmund cliff (Rügen, Germany). GeoPomerania, 24.-26.09.2007; Stettin, Poland.
Thiel, C., Günther, A., Schütze, K., Bibus, E., 2007. Shallow landslide susceptibility modelling - A comparison of different approaches for the coast of Jasmund Peninsula (Rügen/Germany). Pedometrics, 27.-30.08.2007; Tubingen, Germany.
Günther, A., Thiel, C., 2007. Integrated slope stability and sliding susceptibility assessment of the Jasmund cliff area (Rügen Island, Germany). EGU General Assembly, 15.-20.04.2007; Vienna, Austria.