Alte Geschichte

Pawel Borowski, MA

Leverhulme Study Abroad Doctoral Student


Wilhelmstr. 36, Raum 509, 72074 Tübingen

07071 / 29 76980



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Leverhulme Study Abroad Studentship at Tübingen University

Project: Subordination and Emancipation of Micro-Polities in the Western Roman Empire

PhD in Ancient History at St Andrews University (Scotland)

Doctoral Thesis: Civic Communities in the Western Roman Empire in the 1st-3rd c. CE (Supervised by Dr. Myles Lavan and Prof. Christopher Smith)

MPhil in Classics at Cambridge University (UK)

Dissertation: The Representation of Fiscal Rationality in Tacitus (Supervised by Prof. Christopher Kelly)

BA in History with French at UCL (UK) and Paris-Sorbonne IV (France)

Dissertation: The Rationality of Official Appointments in the Roman Empire (Supervised by Dr. Benet Salway)



Ciuitates in Roman scholarship, municipal activities in the western provinces; political landscapes of the early Roman Empire; collective agency; historical sociology in Roman history; Latin provincial epigraphy.


In my doctoral dissertation I study civic communities as actors in the early Roman Empire. There were c. 2,000-2,500 largely autonomous civic communities (ciuitates) in the Roman world in the 1st-3rd c. CE. They acted as local governments and were vital to the success of the imperial project. Yet, their significance as a social phenomenon in the western provinces has been largely overlooked. To address this problem, I reinterpret epigraphic, archaeological and historical evidence for certain actions of communities from the perspective of historical sociology of Andrew Abbott. My project focuses on territorial disputes, economic operations and administrative subordination. I demonstrate that through their interactions with each other and with other entities civic communities emerged as communal actors with high impact on the Roman world.



Borowski, P. (2020). TWO THOUSAND CITIES - (L.) De Ligt, (J.) Bintliff (edd.) Regional Urban Systems in the Roman World, 150 bce – 250 ce. (Mnemosyne Supplements 431.) Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2020. ISBN: 978-90-04-41433-4. The Classical Review, 1-3.