Fachbereich Informatik

List of Courses for the Master ML in the Summersemester 2020 (Foundations of ML and Diverse Topics in ML)

Foundations of Machine Learning Lecturer

Probabilistic Machine Learning

(asynchronous videos, asymmetric (but synchronous) flipped classrooms, synchronous tutorials)


Statistical Machine Learning

(asynchronous videos, tutorials/consultations via zoom)



Diverse Topics in Machine Learning - Lectures


Machine Learning in Graphics and Vision

( asynchronous videos, synchronous Q&A via Zoom)


Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision

(lectures as videos, tutorials via Zoom (alternatively BBB))

Medical Data Science Pfeifer
Neural Data Analysis Berens
Mobile Robots Zell
Advanced Statistics 2 Gais


Diverse Topics in Machine Learning - Seminars

Explainable and Fair Machine Learning Kasneci
Causality and Probability: A philosophical introduction for computer scientists Spohn
Current Topics in Deep Neural Networks


Current Trends in Deep Learning for Medicine


Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics and Computer Vision Lensch


Expanded Perspectives (just shown to highlight this seminar)

The Ethics of Machine Learning Grote

The Program for General Computer Science can be found here (all courses listed in the master in computer science, for bachelor courses check back with Prof. Dr. Matthias Hein).

Here is an inofficial list if/how different lectures/seminar will take place in the summer semester. Unfortunately, this is only available in german at the moment. In case you need help contact Prof. Dr. Matthias Hein.