Philologisches Seminar


Teach@Tübingen-Fellow am Philologischen Seminar

Frau Hannah Sorscher von der University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Im Sommersemester 2021 und Wintersemester 2021/22 wird Frau Hannah Sorscher von der University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill als Teach@Tübingen-Fellow am Philologischen Seminar zu Gast sein und in dem Rahmen Lehrveranstaltungen anbieten.

Frau Sorscher über sich:

"Hannah Sorscher is a sixth-year Ph.D. candidate in Classics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is currently writing a dissertation titled “Unconventional Families in Roman Comedy.” Originally from Ann Arbor, Michigan, she received her M.A. in Classics at UNC-Chapel Hill and her A.B. in Classical Studies at the University of Chicago. Her research interests also include Augustan poetry, archaic Greek poetry, Greek comedy (Old and New), Greco-Roman family relationships and life, women in antiquity, and women and warfare in antiquity."

Nähere Informationen zu Frau Sorschers Lehrveranstaltungen folgen rechzeitig vor Beginn des Sommersemesters.

