The corporate world is changing fast and managers need to keep in touch with the latest insights in management knowledge on an ongoing basis. Prof. Pudelko with the assistance of his team can provide practitioners in his areas of expertise with insights in the most-up-to-date research knowledge about “best practices” in management. While based on state of the art theoretical concepts, Prof. Pudelko’s seminars are clearly application oriented and provide real-life examples.
The seminars given by Prof. Pudelko are highly interactive and include small practical assignments, group work on in-depth case studies and the sharing and discussion of participants’ own experiences. A stimulating, inspiring and challenging learning environment and the direct applicability of acquired knowledge and competencies is of great importance.
Prof. Pudelko can tailor his seminars to your specific requirements and provide initial or advanced training for anything between one and four days.
His professional knowledge and MBA teaching experience will assure that you will meet your learning objectives.
For further information please contact: ib-corp.engagementspam
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