


Workshop: Chinese & Spanish Interactions in Manila, 1571–1765

International Workshop | 27 Nov. 2021 | 8:30–18:30 (CET) | via Zoom


This online workshop via Zoom brings together international scholars working on Spanish Manila in the early modern period, covering cooperation and exchange as well as conflict and violence between Spanish and Chinese in one of the most globally connected cities of the time.


Zoom Information:

  • Meeting ID: 938 2940 3145
  • Passcode: 401592


Organization & Contact:

Dr. Adrian Masters | adrianmmastersspam prevention@gmail.com



8:30 | Opening Statements by Adrian Masters (Tübingen)
8:45–10:45 | Session 1: Spanish-on Chinese Violence in Manila, 1603-1765
  • Eberhard Crailsheim (Hagen): Mistrust: Spanish-Chinese relations in the context of the 1603 confrontation in Manila
  • Anna Busquets (Barcelona): Entangled histories in Manila: Spaniards & Chinese in the 1662 Chinese uprising
  • Kristie Flannery (Melbourne): Empire by Expulsion: The Forced Repatriation of Chinese Migrants from Manila in Global Context
11:00–12:15 | Session 2: Spanish Chinese Exchange & Communication in the 16th to 18th centuries
  • Birgit Tremml-Werner (Linnaeus): Encountering Chinese in the 1700s Philippines
  • Guillermo Ruiz-Stovel (Leuven): Competition & Cooperation: Chinese & non-Chinese Merchant Networks in Manila's Intra-Asian Trade
15:15–16:30 | Session 3: Sources of Violence, Violence in Sources
  • Adrian Masters (Tübingen): Writing about Spanish Chinese Violence in Habsburg Manila
  • Ryan Crewe (Denver): The Bread Libel of 1686: Conflict & Convivencia in 1600s Manila
17:00–18:15 | Session 4: Thinking Globally about Manila's Chinese Residents
  • J.N. Sánchez: Chinese & Spanish interactions in the 1600s as reflected by Jesuit moral cases
  • Lucille Chia (UCR): Chinese Domestic and Overseas Migration in Early Modern Times
18:15 | Closing Statement by Renate Dürr (Tübingen)

