Geosphären-Biosphären Wechselwirkungen

Compound-specific Analyses

To truly understand the responses of microbes and plants, we need to extract, quantify and characterise individual analytes. This is also a pre-requisite for compound-specific isotope analysis, be it with radioactive or stable isotope tracers to quantify fluxes and process rates with high precision and accuracy.

(Targeted) Compound-specific analyses using GC/MS and GC-FID with a special focus on microbial metabolites and plant biomarkers, but also pyrogenic C marker (BPCA)

We have been developing and optimizing biomarker methods for more than 15 years (#). For a full list of our biomarker methods, click here.

Our equipment for microbial profiling (GC/MS)

For microbial profiling (PLFAs, amino sugars) and lipids (alkanes, fatty acids, sterols....), we have two GC/MS  running both in SIM and SCAN modes.


We are also performing untargeted GC/MS analyses of e.g. plant gels, microbial biofilms, soil DOC...


For screening, matrix-rich samples or silylated samples, two GC-FIDs can be used, e.g. carbohydrate (neutral sugars) and microbial metabolites (amino sugars)

Trace gas analyses

For trace gas analysis (CH4, CO2, N2O), we use a GC-ECD/FID with vacuum dosing, flexible sample loop configuration and a methanizer (CH4izer) for best CO2 quantification.

On demand, Py-GC-FID for evolved gas analysis to characterise the stability of soil organic matter.

LC-MS for root exudate fingerprinting

Agilent 1290 Series with a fraction collector and a single quad MSD