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2022: Popular lecture, Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte Blaubeuren
2021: Television interview, SWR news, in response to Prud’homme et al. (2021)
2019: Scientific Advisor, BBC natural history documentary “One planet seven worlds”
2018: Television Interview, WDR “Quarks und Co”
2015: Media interest in response to Fitzsimmons et al. (2015) PLOS ONE
- The Australian (national newspaper) p.3, 18.6.2015
- Other Australian papers (selection): The Age; Sydney Morning Herald; Brisbane Times. International media: Kurier (Austria); Global Times (China), Shanghai Daily (China)
2013: Media interest in response to Fitzsimmons et al. (2013) PLOS ONE
- „Das Ende der ersten Europäer“ Spiegel, 7.4.2021
- “Zeugen der Super-Eruption” Leipziger Volkszeitung, 25.7.2013
2012: Volunteer, Leipzig „Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften“, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
2009: Radio Interview, ABC Mildura-Swan Hill (Willandra Lakes project)
2007-2009: Regular radio presenter, Fuzzy Logic Science Radio Show, Canberra 2XX FM