Institut für Politikwissenschaft



Institutskolloquium IfP (04.12.24) - Ebru Turhan (Turkish-German University Istanbul)

Germany's Role in EU-Turkey Relations: A Status Quo Power?


Wednesday, December 04th 2024, 16:00 c.t. / Room 124, Institut für Politikwissenschaft or online via Zoom

This lecture, building on a study with Senem Aydın-Düzgit, examines Germany’s influence within the EU and the broader European neighbourhood, and analyses the type of actor that it is evolving into. It presents a longitudinal analysis of Germany’s rule of law and fundamental rights support in Turkey. Based on semi-structured interviews with German policymakers, along with official statements, documents, and media reports, the lecture argues that Germany's response to Turkey’s democratic trajectory exemplifies Germany as a 'status quo power' in Europe, with governments only taking measures if they perceive a significant threat to Germany or the EU.



Ebru Turhan is Associate Professor of European Studies at the Turkish-German University, Istanbul and Non-Resident Fellow at the Centre for European & Transatlantic Studies, Virginia Tech. She has co-edited EU-Turkey Relations: Theories, Institutions, and Policies (Palgrave 2021, open access) and has published articles in the Journal of Common Market Studies and other high-profile journals.

The lecture will be held in English

Flyer for the lecture!


Institutskolloquium IfP

Wednesday, December 04th 2024, 16:00 c.t. 
Room 124, Institut für Politikwissenschaft or Online via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 930 8975 0663 Passcode: 142311 

Program winter semester 2024/2025 / SAVE THE DATE

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