
In The News


- 14th November 2024: The ancestors of House Cats (Felis sylvestris) followed human farmers into Europe.  

- 17th September 2024, Natale, M.: Scientists sequenced the DNA of the “Last Neanderthal” – and it alters human history.
- 17th September 2024. Lapointe, E. Long-lost Neanderthal group that lived 50,000 years ago is discovered and it has links to “The Hobbit”.  
- 15th September 2024, Hawks, J.: Late Neandertals: more diverse than most scientists thought.  
- 14th September 2024, Strickland, A.: Puzzling fossil discovery could reveal why Neanderthals disappeared.  
- 13th September 2024, Andrei, M.: Scientists find a new Neanderthal population that stayed com-pletely isolated for 50,000 years.  
- 12th September 2024, Mosed, A.: Neanderthal “Thorin” DNA reveals ancient inbreeding.  
- 12th September 2024, Hunt, K.: Cave discovery in France may explain why Neanderthals disap-peared, scientists say.  
- 12th September 2024, Kuta, S.: Ancient DNA reveals neanderthal group was isolated for 50,000 years.
- 12th September 2024, L’ultimo Neandertal, nuove scoperte in Francia e libro di Slimak.  
- 12th September 2024, Palmer, A.: New study uncovers genetic evidence of isolated Neandertal lineage in France.  
- 11th September 2024, Dominguez, N..: Hallado Thorin, el ultimo neandertal.  
- 11th September 2024, George, A.: New Neanderthal lineage from 100,000 years ago helps explain their extinction.  
- 11th September 2024, Rey, B.: Néandertal ne se mélangeait pas, et c’est peut-être ce qui l’a perdu.  
- 11th September 2024, L’isolement génétique de l’homme de Néandertal pourrait l’avoir mené à son extinction.   
- 11th September 2024, Nye knoglerester styrker tese bag neandertalernes død.  
- 11th September 2024, George, A.: Genome of Neanderthal fossil reveals lost tribe cut off for millenia.  
- 11th September 2024, Bornedave, V.: Un mystérieux homme de Néandertal découvert dans la Drôme.  
- 11th September 2024, Les causes de l’extinction de Neandertal revisitées par la découverte d’un nouveau spécimen en France.  
- 11th September 2024, Neanderthal populations were genetically and socially isolated from tens of thou-sands of years: study.
- 11th September 2024, Ancient DNA unveils a previously unknown line of Neanderthals.   
- 11th September 2024, Mysterious lineage of Neanderthals in France kept to themselves for 50,000 years.   
- 11th September 2024, DNA of “Thorin”, one of the last Neanderthals, finally sequenced revealing inbreeding and 50,000 years of genetic isolation.  
- 11th September 2024, Neanderthal remains discovery challenges history of ancient human relatives.  
- 11th September 2024, Was a lack of get-up-and-go the death of the Neanderthals?  
- 4th September 2024, Knauer, R.: Überlenskünstler in der Wüste. Wie Ökosysteme ohen Regen existieren können

- 24th July 2024, Voss, J.: Tödliche Esizeit: Darum starb das Wollnashorn aus.  

- 9th July 2024. Barathon, C.: La double origine de l’extinction du rhinoceros laineux.

- 4th July 2024. Grasses in the fog: plants support life in the desert. 1st July 2024. University of Tübingen research points to human impact climate change in woolly rhinoceros extinction.

- 30th June 2024. Das Ende des Mammuts ist wieder ein Stück rätselhafter geworden.

- 30th June 2024. Warum die Wollnashörner ausstarben.  
-    Frankfuter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung 30th June 2024: Rauchhaupt, U.v.: Die letzten Mammuts, 26: 55.
- 27th June 2024. Schuster, A.: Mensch und Kälte haben das Wollnashorn ausgerottet.  
- 26th June 2024. Menschen haben zum Aussterben der Wollnashörner beigetragen.  
- 26th June 2024. Brauer, M.: Jagd durch den Menschen rottete Wollnashörner aus.  
- 26th June 2024. Mensch hat Mitschuld am Aussterben des Wollnashorns.  
- 26th June 2024. Feehly, C.: Habitat troubles hidered the woolly rhino's chance of survival.

- 5th June 2024. Humans contribute to extinction of woolly rhinoceros: Australian study.  
- 5th June 2024. Erst das Klima, dann der Mensch: Wieso das Wollnashorn ausgestorben ist 4th June 2024. Lazaro, E.: Ancient humans played role in demise of woolly rhinoceros, new research suggests.  
- 4th June 2024. Malewar, A.: Sustained human activity contributed to woolly rhinoceros' extinction.  
- 4th June 2024. Dahlstrom, M.: 10,000-year-old mystery solved using technique not previously consid-ered possible.  
- 4th June 2024. Einem, J.: Human activity contributed to woolly rhinoceros' extinction, suggest researchers.

- 3rd June 2024. Incorvaia, D.: Deadly one-two punch may have driven the woolly rhino to extinction.  

- 18th March 2024. Timmons, J.: Mammoth carcass was scavenged by ancient humans and sabre-toothed cats.

- 18th January 2024, Kuta, S. Meet Elma, a woolly mammoth who roamed far and wide more than 14,000 years ago

- 17th January 2024. Price, M. Dogged by climate change and human hunters, a mammoth's life is written in her tusks

- 11th January 2024. Den größten Affen aller Zeiten ging das Futter aus.  
- 10th January 2024. Descubra o que levou a extincçåo do maior primata da história.  
- 10th January 2024. Gramling, C. Earth’s largest ape went extinct 100,000 years earlier than once thought.
- 10th January 2024. Conroy, G. Why did the world’s biggest ape go extinct ?
- 10th January 2024. Davis, N. Giganto, largest ever primate, died out due to diet change, say scientists.



- 26th July 2023 Elbein, A.: A pancaked turtle fossil's 150-million-year-old tale.

- 26th July 2023 Higgs, E.: Extremely well preserved turtle specimen sheds light on species ecology.

- 26th July 2023 Parra, M.: Un fossile de tortue aquatique avec des doigts a été découvert.

- 15th July 2023 Abel, G.M.: Descubierto un aligátor prehistórico, emparentado con una especie en peligro de extinción

- 15th July 2023 Őskori szörnyeteg koponyájára bukkantak a tudósok

- 14th July 2023. Sundaravelu, A.: Scientists discover new ancient species with "cartoon grin"

- 14th July 2023. Seperti Apa Spesies Baru Buaya Asia yang Ditemukan di Thailand?

- 14th July 2023 国际最新研究发现新的古代亚洲短吻鳄属物种 与扬子鳄亲缘很近

- 14th July 2023. New ancient Asian alligator species identified.

- 14th July 2023. Bhandari, S.R.: Ancient alligator species identified in Thailand.

- 14th July 2023 Powęska, M.: Potwór sprzed 230 tysięcy lat to nieznany gatunek. Wybór jego diety zaskakuje

- 14th July 2023. Baisas, L.: Extinct snub-nosed gator had big teeth for crushing snails

- 14th July 2023. Lazic, S.: Paläontologie: Die Kälte brachte dem Alligator munensis den Tod.

- nplus1.tu 14th July 2023.  Сергей Коленов, C.: Палеонтологи описали древнего аллигатора из Таиланда. Он жил около 230 тысяч лет назад

- 14th July 2023. Lingenhöhl, D.: Alligator snackte am liebsten Schnecken

- 14th July 2023. Evidence ravens share a 30,000-year-old relationships with humans.

- 13th July 2023. Agard, S.: A new alligator species dating back 230,000 years, indentified in Thailand.  

- 13th July 2023. Wetzel, C.: Ancient alligator had a stubby snout and may have chomped on snails.

- 13th July 2023. Chinese alligator had Asian relatives around 200,000 years ago.

- 10th July 2023. Our ancestors are constantly evolving, just to keep up.  
- 7th July 2023. Tiere suchten schon vor mehr als 30.000 Jahren die Nähe zu Menschen.  
- 29th June 2023. Ravens in prehistory: scientist unearth a 30,000 years old relationship with humans.  
- 24th June 2023. Animals sought closeness to humans 30,000 years ago.  
- 24th June 2023. Ertugrul, E.: Los cuervos llevan robándonos la comida desde hace más 30.000 años.  
- 23rd June 2023. Carjaval, G.: Los cuervos llevan robándonos la comida desde hace más 30.000 años.  
- 23rd June 2023. Ravens drawn to human food 30k years ago.  
- 22nd June 2023. Study reveals that ravens were attracted to humans‘ food more than 30,000 years ago.  
- 2nd March 2023. Studie: So überlebten Europäer einst das Eiszeit-Maximum.  
- 2nd March 2023. Les Européens de la période glaciaire ont trouvé refuge en Espagne, malheur en Italie.  
- 1st March 2023. Curry, A.: Ancient DNA upends European prehistory.  

- 1st March 2023. Dunham, W.: Genetics study lays bare Ice Age drama for humans in Europe.    

- 1st March 2023. Knauer, R: Die Überlebenden der Kälte.  

- 1st March 2023. Schuster, R.: Study of Ice Age hunters changes what we know about European ancestry.  

- 1st March 2023. L’estinzione dei preistorici dell’Era Glaciale avvenne in Italia: lo studio.  
- 1st March 2023. Sagrera, B.: La peninsula Ibèrica va ser un refugi pels europeus a l’edat de gel, fa 23.000 anys.  
- 1st March 2023. Bowen, B.: Ancient DNA unveils disparate fates of Ice Age of hunter-gatherers in Europe.  
- 1st March 2023. Zimmer, C.: Ancient DNA reveals history of hunter-gatherers in Europe.  
- 2nd February 2023. Nearly 600 obsidian handaxes from 1.2 million years ago found in Ethiopia show early humans were smarter than we think.  
- 1st February 2023. 1.2 million-year-old “stone-tool workshop” uncovered in Ethiopia is oldest ever found.  
- 1st February 2023. Viel früher als gedacht: Steinzeitliche “Werkstatt” für Faustkeile entdeckt.  
- 30th January 2023. 1.2 million years old workshop reveals early humans were skilled crafters earlier than believed.
- 27th January 2023. New discovery places mass obsidian hand axe production to 1.2 million years ago.  
- 27th January 2023. 1.2 million-year-old obsidian axe factory found in Ethiopia! Which ancient humans crafted these?  
- 27th January 2023. Archaeologists discover 1.2 million-year-old “workshop” in mind-blowing find.  
- 26th January 2023. Obsidian handaxe-making workshop from 1.2 million years ago discovered in Ethiopia.  
- 26th January 2023. million-year-old “ factory found, run by mystery human species: Study.  
- 24th January 2023. 1.2 Million year old obsidian axe factory found in Ethiopia.  
- 22nd January 2023. The last mammoth died 4000 years ago: why did it disappear?
- 22nd January 2023. El último mamut murió hace 4.000 años: ¿Por qué desaparecieron?  
- 21st January 2023. A Melka Kunture è stato scoperto il più antico atelier per la produzione di bifac-ciali di ossidiana risalente a più di 1.200.000 anni fa.  
- 20th January 2023. O xacemento etíope de Simbiro III permite avanzar no coñecemento da “capacidade de planificación e anticipación” do Homo erectus.  
- 20th January 2023. L’officina più antica del modo è in Etiopia. La Scoperta del team italiano.
- 20th January 2023. A workshop dating back to 1.2 million years ago.  


- 20th December 2022. The last mammoth died 4000 years ago: why did they disappear?  

- 29th November 2022. Oldest Pterodactylus fossil found in Germany

- 25th November 2022. International team of researchers identifies new species of dinosaur

- 12th November 2022. Bostongirl, Y.: Fossilized teeth of giant hominid led scientists to speculate that humans may have giant ancestors  
- 8th October 2022. Gatta, M.: Did ancient humans domesticate foxes?
-    Schwäbisches Tagblatt 16th August 2022. Tübinger Wissenschaftler schlagen Alarm: Werden Orang Utans aus-sterben?   
- 10th August 2022. Vorfahren der Orang Utans starben wahrscheinlich aus, weil der Wald ausdünnte.  
- 9th August 2022. When the forest left the apes.
- 9th August 2022. Ecological continuity between orangutans and extinct ancerstors highlights their de-pendence on intact rainforests.
- 9th August 2022. La continuité écologique entre les orangs-outans et les ancêtres disparus met en évidence leur dépendance aux forêts tropicales intactes.  
- 5th August 2022. Richard Zivohlava, A.: George Church, ce généticien qui veut ressusciter le mammouth, entre revolution et controverse.
- 2nd March 2022. Turtle species in Eastern Europe survived the event that killed the dinosaurs

- 11th January 2022. Noisette, C.: Des mammouths 2.0 pour lutter contre le réchauffement climatique?















