TIDA Workshop Aristotle. De anima I

Wann? Freitag und Samstag, 15. und 16.12.2023. Wo? Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Zentrum, Doblerstraße 33, 72074 Tübingen



International Workshop: “Platonic Mimesis Revisited”

Ort: Alte Aula (2.-3. Mai) und Alte Burse R. X (4.-5. Mai)
Datum: 2.-5. Mai 2019
Zeit: Donnerstag 14:00 bis Sonntag ca. 13:00
Thema: Mimesis bei Platon

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Project description

Few other semantic fields pervade Plato’s oeuvre, from the earliest to the latest works, in such a defining and ambivalent way as that of mimesis.

Starting with a colloquial usage in the early dialogues, the concept progressively gains significance, reflected not only in a quantitative increase of its use but especially in the large array of topics with which it is related. From considerations in the philosophy of language in the Cratylos to the critique of poetry and the ethical-psychological enquiry in the Republic, from the ontological analysis of the sophist in the homonymous dialogue and the cosmological myth of the Timaeus to the political thoughts in the Politicus and, finally, the musical and theological issues in the Laws: in all these very different subject areas, the semantics of mimesis obtain a central function and are, at the same time, evaluated very differently.

Not least because of this ambivalence in Plato, the notion of mimesis has had a deep influence on the history of aesthetics and on (the study of) literature up to the present time. It is thus also a subject of interdisciplinary interest beyond the study of antiquity.
The workshop “Platonic Mimesis Revisited” aims to analyse the semantics of mimesis across Plato’s dialogues thoroughly and with contributions of established scholars as well as junior researchers. Instead of focusing on aesthetic questions, the conference intends to take into view Plato’s whole work, and expressly the diversity of uses in a parallel and context-sensitive way.

The workshop is funded by the Excellence Initiative of the University of Tübingen.
Contact: julia.pfefferkorn@uni-tuebingen.de, antonino.spinellispam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de


Evening Lecture on 2 May
Stephen Halliwell (St Andrews)
Michele Abbate (Salerno), Alexandra Alván León (Münster), Myrthe Bartels (Durham), Andrea Capra (Durham), Elenio Cicchini (IISF Napoli), Klaus Corcilius (Tübingen), Michael Erler (Würzburg), Francesco Fronterotta (La Sapienza, Roma), José Antonio Giménez (UANDES, Santiago de Chile), Irmgard Männlein-Robert (Tübingen), Mary Margaret McCabe (King’s College, London), Jörn Müller (Würzburg), Lidia Palumbo (Federico II, Napoli), Anna Pavani (Köln), Julia Pfefferkorn (Tübingen/Salerno), Antonino Spinelli (Tübingen), Benedikt Strobel (Trier), Justin Vlasits (Tübingen)  

Sara Diaco (Tübingen), Nicoletta Di Vita (ENS Paris/Padova), Rodrigo Ferradas (Münster), Federica Gonzales-Luna (Tübingen), Ana Munte (Tübingen), Alina Noveanu (Cluj/Tübingen), Giovanni Panno (Tübingen), Michele Solitario (Tübingen), Laura Summa (Bonn), Janis Tortora (Tübingen)



