
The Epigraphia Carnatica Digitization Project (Dr. Cristina Bignami/ Dr. des. Elena Mucciarelli)

The corpus of the Epigraphia Carnatica contains more than 9,000 inscriptions and entails an overwhelming amount of data that can be pinpointed into different topics, as e.g. that of sovereignty. This kind of record represents a unique reference for Indian history because it conveys information not found elsewhere.

Dr. Cristina Bignami and Dr. des. Elena Mucciarelli are now indexing the scans prepared by the University Library of Tübingen to make the complex content of the whole first edition easily accessible to the public. They further study the process of legitimation of sovereignty in medieval Karnāṭaka in which different elements, as e.g. the local Goddessess and tribal legends as well as a Vedic revival, are embedded.

This first cooperation has initiated the open access databank "Tübingen Digital South Asia" (see G. Zeller in UB info 2013/02) to host the printed and handwritten sources from and about South Asia digitised by the Tübingen University Library:

Presentation of the project PDF


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