
“Nationality and Transnationality in Modern Korea”, July 7-8, 2017 in Tübingen

Inaugural Conference of the Tübingen Global Korea Project

Thursday, July 6, 2017

8.00 pm Optional Pre-Conference Gathering

Ludwig’s Café/Restaurant/Bar (Hotel Krone, Uhlandstrasse 1)

DAY ONE: Friday, July 7, 2017

09:00-09:20 Welcome and Opening Remarks

09:20-1:00 SESSION I: Nationality and Citizenship
Moderator: Jong-Chol An
(University of Tübingen, Germany)

1:00-2:30 Lunch

2:30-5:20 SESSION II: Migrations and Border Crossings
Moderator: Taejin Hwang
(University of Tübingen, Germany)

5:20-6:00 Publication Plans Discussion

6:30 Dinner Reception (Die Kelter Restaurant, Schmiedtorstrasse 17)

DAY TWO: Saturday, June 13, 2017

09:00-12:40 SESSION III: Cold War Connections and Transnational Organizations
Moderator: You Jae Lee
(University of Tübingen, Germany)

12:40-1:00 Closing Remarks & Group Photo
1:15-3:30 Lunch Reception (Restaurant Mauganeschtle at the Hotel am Schloss)
4:00-5:00 Optional Activity (Boat Ride on the Neckar River)


The Department of Chinese and Korean Studies at the University of Tuebingen is pleased to announce the inaugural international conference of the Tuebingen Global Korea Project. With the Tuebingen Global Korea Project, we situate our research on modern Korean history and society beyond the nation, but without neglecting it, by prioritizing transnational perspectives and methodologies. For this inaugural conference to examine the central theme of “Nationality and Transnationality in Modern Korea,” we seek to engage in in-depth and innovative discussions on the three topics of Nationality and Citizenship, Migrations and Border Crossings, and Cold War Connections.

Under the framework of “Nationality and Citizenship,” the conference seeks to assess the historical changes in the imaginings of nationality and practices of citizenship in modern Korea from the late 19th century to the “waves” of postcolonial liberation, the Cold War, and today’s post-Cold War globalization. Especially in light of the irrefutable diversity and increase in in-migration to contemporary Korea, we seek to explore the ways in which transnational “Migrations and Border Crossings”—the second central theme of the conference—complicates assumptions about nationality and citizenship as well as what shaping consequences it has had on Korea. For the related sessions on “Migrations and Border Crossings” and “Cold War Connections,” the aims are to investigate the dynamic intersections and diverse interrelations of Cold War institutional connections and ideological crossings with that of Korea’s development and modernity. Migrations or “crossings” are conceptualized to include transnational flows of not only people, but also of mobility across institutions and borders as well as reciprocal exchanges of ideologies that took place during the Cold War. It seeks to bring together researchers across disciplines working on wide range of topics related to this theme in order to assess the impact of these transnational crossings and Cold War connections on modern Korea.

The conference will take place at the University of Tuebingen from the morning of Friday, July 7, 2017, to the afternoon of Saturday, July 8, 2017.

The conference is funded by the Academy of Korean Studies for the Core University Program for Korean Studies and is organized by Prof. You Jae Lee and Dr. Taejin Hwang of the Chinese and Korean Studies Department, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Tuebingen.