

The Expression of Extra-propositional Meaning – Diachrony and Synchrony

Project C6 addressed the class of expressions which are thought not to contribute to the central pro­position of a sentence but rather bear an extrapropositional interpretation. These typically convey the subjective attitude of the speaker, specify the informational basis of the main proposition, or structure the discourse. The project carried out in-depth studies of selected extrapropositional phenomena to gain a better understanding of their grammatical characteristics, focusing on the interaction of their formal and interpretative features.

Term: 2013 - 2021


  • Hörnig, R., Featherston, S., Konietzko, A. & von Wietersheim, S. (Eds.) (in press). Proceeding of Linguistic Evidence 2020. Tübingen: University of Tübingen.
  • Grosz, P. (in press). Discourse particles. In L. Matthewson, C. Meier, H. Rullmann & T. E. Zimmermann (Eds.), The Companion to Semantics (SemCom). Oxford: Wiley.
  • Schreier, V. (in press). Integration of Restrictive and Non-Restrictive Relative Clauses. In S. Featherston, R. Hörnig, A. Konietzko & S. von Wietersheim (Eds.), Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2020. Tübingen: University of Tübingen.
  • Eberhardt, I. (accepted). From up-toning intensifying particle to scalar focus particle. A new developmental path. In R. Gergel, I. Reich & A. Speyer (Eds.), Particles in German, English, and Beyond. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Eberhardt, I. (submitted). On the divergent developments of two German causal subjunctions: Syntactic reanalysis and evolution of causal meaning. In Ł. Jędrzejowski & C. Fleczoreck (Eds.), Micro- and Macro-variation of Causal Clauses. Synchronic and Diachronic Insights. Studies in Language Companion Series. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Featherston, S. (2021). Response methods in acceptability experiments. In G. Goodall (Ed.), Cambridge Handbook of Experimental Syntax (pp. 39-61). Cambridge: CUP.
  • Müller, K. (2021). Satzadverbien und Evidentialität. Berlin/Boston, MA: De Gruyter.
  • Featherston, S. (2020). Can we build a grammar on the basis of judgements? In S. Schindler, A. Drożdżowicz, K. Brøcker (Eds.), Linguistic Intuitions: Evidence and Method (pp. 165-188). Oxford: OUP.
  • Müller, K. (2020). Perception verbs and finite complement clauses. In C. Piñón & L. Roussarie (Eds.), Empirical Issues in Syntax and Semantics 13 (pp. 55-79). Paris: CSSP.
  • Renz, F. (2020). Mega gut und sau schlecht Zum Wortstatus vermeintlich gebundener Intensivierer. In M. Evertz & F. Kirchhoff (Eds.), Geschriebene und Gesprochene Sprache als Modalitäten eines Sprachsystems. Linguistische Arbeiten. Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Eberhardt, I. & Featherston, S. (2019). Focus particles and negative scope: Both evidence for syntactic integration? Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 4(1), 126. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/gjgl.613
  • Featherston, S. (2019). The Decathlon Model. In A. Kertész, E. Moravcsik & C. Rákosi (Eds.), Current Approaches to Syntax – A Comparative Handbook (pp. 155-186). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Featherston, S., Hörnig, R., von Wietersheim, S. & Winkler, S. (Eds.) (2019). Experiments in Focus: Information Structure and Semantic Processing. Linguistische Arbeiten 571. Berlin: de Gruyter.
  • Gattnar, A., Hörnig, R., Störzer, M. & Featherston, S. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2018: Experimental Data Drives Linguistic Theory. Tübingen: University of Tübingen.  
  • Gerbrich, H., Schreier, V. & Featherston, S. (2019). Standard items for English judgement studies: Syntax and semantics. In S. Featherston, R. Hörnig, S. von Wietersheim & S. Winkler (Eds.), Experiments in Focus: Information Structure and Semantic Processing (pp. 305-327). Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • Hörnig, R., Featherston, S., von Wietersheim, S. & Winkler, S. (2019). Markedness in context: An approach to licensing. In S. Featherston, R. Hörnig, S. von Wietersheim & S. Winkler (Eds.), Experiments in Focus: Information Structure and Semantic Processing (pp. 1-16). Berlin: de Gruyter.
  • Müller, K. (2019b). Sentence adverbs and theories of secondary meaning. Non-at-issueness and its problems. In A. Van Alem, M. De Sisto, E. J. Kerr & J. Wall (Eds.), Proceedings of ConSOLE XXVII (pp. 238-256).
  • Müller, K. (2019a). Sentence adverbials, (non-)at-issueness, and orientation in German. In D. Gutzmann & K. Turgay (Eds.), Secondary Content. Current Research in the Semantics / Pragmatics Interface 37 (pp. 311-340). Leiden: Brill.
  • von Wietersheim, S. & Featherston, S. (2019). Does structural binding correlate with degrees of functional dependence? In K. Beijering, G. Kaltenböck & M. S. Sansiñena (Eds.), Insubordination: Theoretical and Empirical Issues (pp. 265-290). TiLSM (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs series). Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
  • Axel-Tober, K. (2017). The development of the declarative complementizer in German. Language 93(2), e29-e65.
  • Axel-Tober, K. & Müller, K. (2017). Evidential adverbs in German. Diachronic development and present-day meaning. In S. Cruschina & E.-M. Remberger (Eds.), Rise and Development of Evidential and Epistemic Markers (Journal of Historical Linguistics 7.1/2), 9-47.
  • Eberhardt, I. (2017). From a focus particle to a conjunction. German zumal: Diachronic and synchronic analysis. Language 93(2), e66-e96.
  • Featherston, S., Hörnig, R., Steinberg, R., Umbreit, B. & Wallis, J. (Eds.) (2017). Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2016: Empirical, Theoretical, and Computational Perspectives. Universität Tübingen, online publication system, https://publikationen.uni-tuebingen.de/xmlui/handle/10900/77066
  • Magdou K. & Featherston, S. (2017). Resumptive pronouns can be more acceptable than gaps: Experimental evidence from Greek. Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Greek Linguistics (ICGL12).
  • Weiland-Breckle H., Featherston, S. & von Heusinger, K. (2017). Conditions on systematic polysemy: An empirical investigation on the pragmatics of predicate transfer. Linguistische Berichte 252, 80-113.
  • Axel-Tober, K. (2016). Satzadverbiale im Deutschen: Synchrone und diachrone Fragen bei einem 'scheints' alten Thema. In S. Neri, R. Schuhmann & S. Zeilfelder (Eds.), "dat ih dir it nu bi huldi gibu" – Linguistische, Germanistische und Indogermanistische Studien Rosemarie Lühr gewidmet (pp. 23-33). Wiesbaden: Reichert.
  • Axel-Tober, K. & Gergel, R. (2016). Mood and modality in formal syntactic approaches. In J. Nuyts & J. van der Auwera (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Modality and Mood. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Featherston S. & Versley, Y. (Eds.) (2016). Quantitative Approaches to Grammar and Grammatical Change: Perspectives from Germanic. Berlin: de Gruyter.
  • Grosz, P. (2016). Information structure and discourse particles. In C. Féry & S. Ishihara (Eds.), OUP Handbook of Information Structure. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199642670.013.36]
  • von Wietersheim, S. (2016). Variable binding as evidence for clausal attachment. In I. Reich & A. Speyer (Eds.), Co- and Subordination in German and other Languages. (Linguistische Berichte, Special Edition 21), (pp. 319-345). Hamburg: Buske.
  • von Wietersheim, S. & Featherston, S. (2016). Violation of Principle C as evidence for structural integration. In F. Pratas, S. Pereira & C. Pinto (Eds.), Coordination and Subordination: Form and Meaning Selected papers from CSI Lisbon 2014 (pp. 269-293). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Axel-Tober, K. (2015). Historische Syntax des Deutschen aus generativer Perspektive. Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik 43, 450-484.
  • Grosz, P. (2014). Optative markers as communicative cues. Natural Language Semantics 22, 89-115. [DOI: 10.1007/s11050-013-9101-1]
  • Grosz, P. (2014). Modal particles in rationale clauses and related constructions. In E. Leiss & W. Abraham (Eds.), Modes of Modality (pp. 263-290). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Grosz, P. (2014). German 'doch': An element that triggers a contrast presupposition. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (pp. 163-177).
  • Axel-Tober, K., & Grosz, P. (2013). Even strong evaluatives can occur under negation. Snippets 28. [DOI: 10.7358/snip-2013-028-axel]
  • Grosz, P. (2013). Optativsatz. In H. Altmann, J. Meibauer & M. Steinbach (Eds.), Satztypen des Deutschen (pp. 146-170). Berlin: de Gruyter.