
Learn German and find out about Germany

Information about the upcoming winter semester 2024/25: Registration for our courses in the Alma system will take place from October 10 - October 16. Exception: Registration for beginner classes for MA students and researchers: September 18 - September 30. 

Please make sure that you take the placement test first - find the dates on the pages below. 


Abteilung Deutsch als Fremdsprache und Interkulturelle Programme

 Wilhelmstr. 22
    72074 Tübingen

Office hours: 
Mon to Thu: 9:30 12:00 and 14:15 - 16:15 

Closed on Friday.

The office is closed in August. We´ll be back on Monday, September 2. From September 2 to 26, the office will only be open in the morning.

 +49 7071 29-75409
infospam prevention@daf.uni-tuebingen.de