Institute of Sports Science

Digitalization-sensitive Health Education in Physical Education

Health education is considered a relevant goal of multi-perspective, competence-orientated physical education and has long been anchored in the curriculum of many educational plans. In the course of digital transformation processes, however, the area of health and fitness is currently undergoing major changes within the sports- and exercise-related extracurricular lifeworld of adolescents. Digitalization holds both potentials (e.g., increasing physical activity through fitness apps) and risks (increasing orientation towards questionable body ideals on social media) for the health of children and adolescents, which have not yet been systematically considered in concepts of health education in physical education. In order to enable students to deal with these ambivalences and to lead a healthy and active life in the context of digital transformation, it is essential to make these developments didactically fruitful for the subject of physical education. The aim of the project is to develop theoretically and empirically sound teaching concepts for health-oriented and digitalization-sensitive PE, to evaluate them with regard to their implementation and effectiveness and to disseminate them.

First, the scoping review methodology will be applied to explore and describe the current state of research on which consequences of the digital transformation are discussed for health education in physical education. Based on the current state of research, various teaching modules will be designed in a phase of cooperative planning together with teachers, eacher educators and other relevant stakeholders. Both the development and the testing of these teaching modules will be scientifically monitored. Subsequently, the implementation and effectiveness of the concept will be evaluated.The developed and evaluated teaching modules will be made available to teachers as Open Educational Resources. Furthermore, results will be used to develop concepts for physical education teacher training.


Book chapters

  • Teutemacher, B., Sudeck, G., & Hapke, J. (2023). Gesundheitsbildung im Sportunterricht im Kontext von Digitalisierung. In E. Balz, & T. Bindel (Hrsg.), Bildungszugänge im Sport. Grundlagen und Offerten (S. 133 - 145). Springer VS.

Presentations and Posters

  • Teutemacher, B., Sudeck, G., & Hapke, J. (2023). Gesundheitsdidaktische Ziele im Sportunterricht im Kontext digitaler Transformationsprozesse – ein Scoping Review. Vortrag auf der 36. Jahrestagung der dvs-Sektion Sportpädagogik vom 8.-10. Juni 2023 in Hamburg. Deutschland.

  • Teutemacher, B., Sudeck, G., & Hapke, J. (2022). #Gesundheitsbildung im Sportunterricht im Kontext von Digitalisierung – ein Scoping Review. Vortrag auf dem 25. Sportwissenschaftlichen Hochschultag der dvs vom 29.-31. März 2022 in Kiel, Deutschland (online).

  • Teutemacher, B., Sudeck, G., & Hapke, J. (2022). Health Education in PE in the Context of Digitalization – an Overview of the Research Landscape. Poster auf AIESEP-Conference vom 15.-18. Juni 2022 in Griffith, NSW, Australien (online).