Faculty of Science

Hilbert-Bernays Summer School on Logic and Computation 2019


The summer school is addressed at students of mathematics, philosophy, computer science and other subjects that are related to logic. Preference will be given to undergraduate students in their final year and graduate students. The summer school conveys insight into current research topics in the areas of logics and computability. The scientific program consists of mini courses (with lectures, exercises and projects). English is the teaching language.

  • Gerhard Jäger (Berne): From the Foundational Crisis of Mathematics to Explicit Mathematics.
  • Reinhard Kahle (Lisbon/Tübingen): From Hilbert to Gentzen and beyond.
  • Wolfgang Küchlin (Tübingen): Automatic Reasoning in the Automobile Industry.
  • Klaus Mainzer (Munich): Foundations of Machine Learning and AI.

Courses take place in Neue Aula, room 236. Tutorials and projects take place in Neue Aula, rooms 236 and 036.