Institute of English Languages and Literatures

Course Details

The course details contain all relevant information on a course:

  • course descriptions
  • name of the lecturer
  • session dates and times
  • enrollment and withdrawal dates

Do not apply / enroll from the course details view. Go the planner of studies to do this.

You can access the details by clicking on the course link in the course catalogue.

The most relevant tabs are Basic Data (Grunddaten) and Parallelgroups / Appointments  (Parallelgruppen / Termine)

1. Basic Data
On the Basic Data tab you will see course descriptions that are valid for the whole course. You will also see the current enrollment and withdrawal periods in the top right corner. During these periods you will see an Apply-button. We strongly recommend not to use this, but to go to the planner of studies and enrol/ apply from there.

2. Parallelgroups / Appointments

On the Parallelgroups / Appointments tab you will see the name of the lecturer, all session and no-session dates, the room number as well as remarks relating to all sessions and individual sessions. And you will see the list of all parallelgroups belonging to the course.

If  a course contains more than one parallelgroup there may be comments that are specific to a particular parallelgroup. You can view these by clicking on Open details of that particular parallelgroup on the Parallelgroups / Appointments tab. If there are no parallelgroup-specific comments, then the link will be greyed out.