Institute of English Languages and Literatures

Applied English Linguistics (Kurt Kohn)

Ilegefos Project

Development and validation of German language learning materials for forestry

Leonardo da Vinci programme (European Union), 2001-2003

A lack of vocational language skills among forestry staff and the absence of quality study materials in this area are the main driving force behind this project. From a geographical, historical and economical point of view, there is a strong need for training in German as a second language in Slovakian forestry because it is traditionally connected with forestry in German-speaking countries, mainly Austria and Germany, which have been the original European countries of forestry education during the last centuries.

The main objectives of this project are (1) to improve the quality of vocational training and the lifelong acquisition of skills and competencies in order to increase the adaptability of people in the forest sector; (2) to support the vocational language training of adults in the forest sector; (3) to create a quality group of teachers (trainers) in the area of German for forestry; (4) to develop an interactive multimedia CD-ROM for training in vocational forestry German; (5) to develop a course curriculum will use the CD as a main tool for teaching of vocational forestry German; (6) to train a testing group of forestry staff from partner countries.