Institute of English Languages and Literatures

Applied English Linguistics (Kurt Kohn)

PELLIC - Practice Enterprise for Language Learning & Intercultural Communication

Lifelong Learning Programme KA2 Languages (European Union) 2009-2011

Today's work force needs practical language and intercultural skills relevant for business life in order to enhance European competitiveness. The aim of the PELLIC project is to promote language learning practices by developing a Practice Enterprise environment and making it available as an easily accessible open source virtual language learning space for tertiary level education, advanced vocational education and training, and adult continuing education.

PELLIC aims to exploit corporate level work life related communication practices (e.g. sending business letters and mails, planning a company webpage, making calls, arranging virtual meetings) inside the interactive, simulated business life environment of PE pedagogy. Its objective is to create a virtual learning environment (VLE) and course materials for language courses. The lingua franca of the project and the pilot experiment is English, as is commonly the case in real-life international business encounters. Project deliverables include teacher support material in order to facilitate adaptation of results for other European languages.

The project integrates tertiary level, advanced and continuing vocational as well as lifelong language learning into authentic multicultural working life and business contexts and increases the motivation for language learning, whatever age the learners are.

PELLIC is coordinated by Turku University of Applied Sciences (Finland). Partners are the Florida Centre de Formació, C.V. (Spain), University of West Bohemia in Pilsen (Czech Republic), King's College London (GB) and the International Certificate Conference e.V. (Germany).

The Applied English Linguistcs team at the University of Tübingen is responsible for designing and implementing a virtual learning environment by assembling and adapting existing e-learning tools for authenticated and collaborative learning activities (WP4), as well as developing e-learning contents and activity patterns, including spoken and written discourse materials geared to the pedagogical needs of PELLIC (WP5).


Kurt Kohn, Andreas Glombitza

Official project website:

Virtual Learning Environment:

LLP logo

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication/communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Agreement number: 504823-2009-LLP-FI-KA2-KA2MP