Institute of Political Science



Departmental Seminar: Before the West: The Rise and Fall of Eastern World Orders

Ayse Zarakol (University of Cambridge) at Wednesday, 25. January 2023, 16 h c.t., Room 124 or via ZOOM

Ayşe Zarakol is Professor of International Relations at the University of Cambridge. Her research is located at the intersection of historical sociology and IR, focusing on East-West relations in the international system, history and the future of world order(s). She is one of the most prominent scholars working on international hierarchies, norms and stigmatisation. Her work regularly appears in leading journals such as International Studies Quarterly and European Journal of International Relations. She is currently serving as Associate Editor of International Organization. In this talk, she will present her latest book (Cambridge UP, 2022), in which she explores how the history of international relations would be written without the benefit of today’s hindsight. Zarakol thus presents us with a narrative of (Eur)Asia as a space connected by normatively and institutionally overlapping successive world orders, making an important contribution to the de-centering of the discipline of IR and our understanding of global politics.

Wednesday, 25 January 2023 · 16:00 c.t.
Room 124, Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Or join online via Zoom:  930 8975 0663 (Meeting ID), 142311 (Passcode)
