
Tübingen AI Center officially inaugurated

On July 18, 2023, the Tübingen AI Center, a cooperation between the University of Tübingen and the Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems, held a symposium to celebrate its permanent establishment as a national AI center.

Ceremonial ribbon-cutting at Tübingen AI Center inaugural symposium. (Left to right: Ulrike von Luxburg, Cluster of Excellence for Machine Learning, Moritz Hardt, Director at Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Matthias Bethge, Director of Tübingen AI Center, Petra von Olschowski, Research Minister Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg, Bernhard Schölkopf, Co-Director of Tübingen AI Center, Mario Brandenburg, Parl. Staatssekretär at Federal Research Ministry, and Karla Pollmann, President of Tübingen University)

Since July 1, 2022, the Tübingen AI Center has received 20 million euros a year in funding from the federal government and the state. Around 250 guests from the fields of science, industry and politics took part in a varied program which included speeches from politicians, researchers and AI start-ups as well as initiatives introducing children and young people to Artificial Intelligence.

The science center conducts research into cutting-edge AI technologies. According to Baden-Württemberg's Minister President Winfried Kretschmann, Germany is to stay competitive in the field of artificial intelligence and set new standards.

A detailed report is available on the website of the Tübingen AI Center.
