Research Visits Abroad for young scientists

We believe that young scientists should think outside the box and establish their own (international) network at an early stage. This in mind, we set up the program "Research Visits Abroad" in 2022.

Here we offer our PhD students and postdocs financial support for a research stay abroad of up to 3 months.

All PhD students and postdocs whose supervisors are members of the cluster can apply for the program.

Submission of applications is possible at any time.

Contact for more information: Heike Größl

| In 2022, we have supported 11 of our young researchers within the program, 7 in 2023 and at least 4 to follow in 2024. They spent some weeks at e.g. Carnegie Mellon University, University of Birmingham, Stanford, Princeton, Moorfields Eye Hospital / University College London or Massachusetts Institute of Technology. For a full list of guest institutions see our map. |