Baden-Württembergisches Brasilien- und Lateinamerika-Zentrum


Workshop 13–15 December 2023: "eco-phenomenology"

"Eco-phenomenology: Exploring Eco-phenomenological Concepts and Theories From and For Africa’s Ecological Lifeworld"

13–15 December 2023
room 236, Neue Aula
(Geschwister-Scholl-Platz, Tübingen)
and online via Zoom
Registration for participation via Zoom: abiodun-paul.afolabispam

This workshop aims to use "eco-phenomenology" as a concept to analyse African environment or nature-related problems in a bid to contribute important insights that would direct and infuse the habits of thought and action in the everyday lives of African people towards a transformative eco-consciousness.
The workshop is organised by Dr Abiodun Afolabi and PD Dr Niels Weidtmann.

Read the full abstract and all information here!

See the event folder here!

